this is a Chinese prediction,written at about 1300 years ago by two people,
it has 60 chapters,each chapter there is one picture and a couple of sentences.
the first 41 chapters seems pretty accurate
all predictions are about China
here is chapter 39
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chinese explanation:
ªt¹Ä¡G¡u¦¹¶HºÃ¤@¥~¦iÂZ¶Ã¤¤�A¥²¦Ü¨»¦~©l±o¥¤]¡C¡v¡q¦¹¶H¬O«�饻«IµØ¡C³¾µL¨¬¡A¤s¦³¤�A¬O¤@Ó®q¦r ¡C¡r
the sentences can be roughly translated to:
"bird without legs , mountain having a moon,
sunrises , people cries"
the 1st sentence hints a chinese word,
in chinese,the word 'bird' there are 4 legs,if you take away the 4 legs,
and add the word 'mountain' in that place,it becomes the word 'Island'
2nd sentence,'sunrise'
it maybe referring to the sun on the Japanese flag
the 3rd sentence i could not understand,
here is the 4th sentence
"one morning you could hear the noise of rooster,
the sea is deep and the sun is gone already'
Japan was defeated in 1945,
that year is the year of rooster on the Chinese Lunar Calendar