Quote Originally Posted by moyashi
Probably the only way out of this vicious circle is to break the economics involved here. Put more Osakan Ingenuity into Soaplands and drop the prices. Or put the police on the streets, enforce the drinking age which will kill many local drinking districts and the economy with it, yet, protect the young girls.
As it happens there have been a lot of crack-downs on brothels and clubs recently - with the usual efforts to find loop-holes and get round the regulations. For example - your club can't stay open very late at night? Open very early in the morning instead. Your brothel got busted? Work as a call girl instead.

One problem is that these crackdowns only really hit the 'middle' of the 'scale of evil' ('scuse the phrasing ) Those pushed out of the 'illegal but relatively stable 'jobs' at long established brothels etc are either going to go 'up' into something technically legal (like call girls are AFIAK) or down into something even more illegal and dangerous such as street walking. Generally it's easier to slip down than it is to go 'up'.