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View Poll Results: What is your motivation to learn Japanese ?

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  • I want to communicate with my Japanese relatives

    57 7.64%
  • I want to talk to my Japanese friends or make some new ones

    290 38.87%
  • I live in Japan (so for daily life use...)

    62 8.31%
  • My boyfriend/girlfriend is Japanese or want to make one.

    136 18.23%
  • I (will) need it for my job

    152 20.38%
  • To read the manga or understand the anime

    289 38.74%
  • For the video games

    171 22.92%
  • To travel in Japan

    384 51.47%
  • I am interested in Japanese culture/language, etc.

    557 74.66%
  • For no particular reason or others (please specify in forum)

    88 11.80%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Why are you learning Japanese ?

  1. #326
    Junior Member LATINJAPANESELOVER's Avatar
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    Well in the future im planning a trip to move Japanese for a while and leave the NYC life behind me for a bit......

    I love the way they speak and I kinda got the hang of some words here and there so when i see some show and their speaking Japanese there are some words i understand and i get all happy

    but i use the words all the time so it's part of my daily vocabulary now so i mix up my languages.....english spanish and japanese

  2. #327
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    Because I feel stupid being Japanese, but not knowing how to speak/read/write it. lol

  3. #328
    TNT Basketball Analyst Charles Barkley's Avatar
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    How exactly can someone be Japanese without being able to speak, read or write it (unless he's one year old)? Do you mean you are an American/other country's citizen/life long resident who has Japanese ancestors?

    A number of people on this website have said things like this. It kind of baffles me. Is it a case of wanting to reach out and embrace an identity that you/they felt was lost to you/them? Something else? In any case, come to Japan and you'll realize immediately that you are not Japanese, but rather quite American...

  4. #329
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    I am a Japanese-American if that's what you're looking for, I have Japanese ancestry.

  5. #330
    Junior Member Mercurius's Avatar
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    I'm learning Japanese for quite a few reasons, it started off being because of a fascination with the language and history and I gradually got into modern pop culture (who can resist Gackt? I ask you!) and the crunch came when I grew tired of translated lyrics and subtitles and decided to get around to learning the language. I'm really enjoying it

  6. #331
    Regular Member EvilCowSlayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Barkley View Post
    Writing just hiragana is not 'writing japanese' in the same way that reading just hiragana is not 'reading japanese.'
    Certainly. By no means am I saying, "Be lazy and don't bother learning how to write kanji, cause you can just write it in kana." Learning Japanese with the intention of writing and not learning kanji at some point in time is just stupid. I think you missed my point in my statement.
    First of all, I meant to the Japanese learner.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Barkley View Post
    Almost everyone who studies japanese can read far more than they can write...
    As in, read more kanji than you can write. Yes, I can read more kanji than I can write. But there's still stuff I can't read, and that's why I said what I did. I know tons of words for which I have no clue what the kanji is. If I was reading Japanese and came across said kanji, I wouldn't know what it is. But I can still write the word in kana if I need to, at least until I know the kanji. Should I know what the kanji is? Yes. But just because I should doesn't necessarily mean I do.

    Of course, my statement does not apply to a Japanese native, or someone who's been living in Japan for an extended period of time. They can read all the Common Kanji, even if they can't write them, because they've been surrounded by them all their lives. I am not at that point yet. If I do get to that point, then my statement would not be true anymore for me. I suppose I should have been more specific when making it.

    Quote Originally Posted by LATINJAPANESELOVER View Post
    but i use the words all the time so it's part of my daily vocabulary now so i mix up my languages.....english spanish and japanese
    Haha, I know what you mean, sort of. I didn't exactly mix up languages, but when I was taking my Spanish final, for example, and tripping over a word, I found myself immediately able to think of the Japanese word, but unable to remember the Spanish word.

  7. #332
    TNT Basketball Analyst Charles Barkley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilCowSlayer View Post
    Certainly. By no means am I saying, "Be lazy and don't bother learning how to write kanji, cause you can just write it in kana." Learning Japanese with the intention of writing and not learning kanji at some point in time is just stupid. I think you missed my point in my statement.
    I don't believe I misinterpreted what you were trying to say. I did not write my post as a warning against not learning how to write (I myself have almost stopped practicing writing and mainly just type now), nor was I trying to exclude you from my phrase 'almost everyone who studies japanese...and even native japanese.' I imagine you too know how to read more kanji than you know how to write, at least from memory (although there are exceptions, my past self being a good case. I could write 200 kanji but barely knew how to pronounce 100 at one point).

    My point was that you were and still are making an arbitrary distinction between how kanji factor into reading and writing. You say they factor into reading when you describe its difficulty, but say they do not factor into writing, since you can write them in hiragana. Well, can't you read hiragana too? Are there words you can write in hiragana that you can't read in hiragana?

    The obvious response here would be something like: 'But most of the first hand sources of japanese that I come across are written in Kanji, which I cannot read. For example, if I come across the name 長崎, I may not be able to read it at all, but if someone told me it was the second city to be hit by an atomic bomb, I would be able to write ながさき. Therefore writing is easier than reading.'

    The distinction is dubious because you are failing both to read and to write the word. Writing ながさき is Japanese with training wheels, just like reading texts with complete furigana attached. It is tantamount to writing chinese in pinyin, writing English phonetically, etc...If you said something like 'Having the kana, which enable learners of japanese to be able to write any word they know and have it be pronouncable by native speakers, makes studying the language easier' I would agree wholeheartedly. I would say, yes, that makes the process of learning how to write more accessible, though it doesn't really make writing the language any easier. I would then add that furigana attached to words provides the exact same accessibility to reading japanese text, but, in the end, also doesn't make 'reading japanese' any easier.

    Perhaps the reason my disagreement was strong enough to actually write down was that you made the distinction for writing, but not for reading.

  8. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilCowSlayer View Post
    Of course, my statement does not apply to a Japanese native, or someone who's been living in Japan for an extended period of time. They can read all the Common Kanji, even if they can't write them, because they've been surrounded by them all their lives. I am not at that point yet. If I do get to that point, then my statement would not be true anymore for me. I suppose I should have been more specific when making it.
    I don't think you'll need to learn to recognise that many kanji before even you feel that your reading ability is far better than your writing ability. It certainly won't be all of the 'Common Kanji' and you won't need to have been living in Japan for an extended period of time.

  9. #334
    Junior Member rawlikesushi's Avatar
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    I agree, if you gonna learn japanese U got to love and inhale all aboute Japan. Motivation are all....

  10. #335
    Regular Member EvilCowSlayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Barkley View Post
    Writing ながさき is Japanese with training wheels, just like reading texts with complete furigana attached. It is tantamount to writing chinese in pinyin, writing English phonetically, etc...
    It certainly is. Being able to write words normally written in kanji in hiragana is only a temporary measure. Just like you never see adults with training wheels on their bikes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Barkley View Post
    If you said something like 'Having the kana, which enable learners of japanese to be able to write any word they know and have it be pronouncable by native speakers, makes studying the language easier' I would agree wholeheartedly. I would say, yes, that makes the process of learning how to write more accessible, though it doesn't really make writing the language any easier. I would then add that furigana attached to words provides the exact same accessibility to reading japanese text, but, in the end, also doesn't make 'reading japanese' any easier.
    Yes, once you know the kanji, the furigana become "obsolete" in a sense, and you no longer use them, for there's no need. Once you know the kanji. Until then, no amount of intense staring at kanji I don't know will help me. I suppose "easy" was not the right word I was looking for. I like the way you put it: accessibility. Being able to write a word in kana is not the end; but it's nice to have on the way.

  11. #336
    Regular Member HarajukuxBoy's Avatar
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    Ive been studying heavily lately,and I think that I'm finally getting my motivation back.Becuase is class last week,our teacher was talking about learning foreign languages while you're in high school can benefit you later on.Also,my best friend takes chinese at my school(im probably gonna take that b/c at my school they dont have japanese),and shes always showing me the characters shes learned that day,and all the cool stuff she can say.She would say something in chinese,and I would reply in japanese.While I was replying,I noticed,how much I actually love the japanese language,and how much I really wanted to perfect my japanese.Now,Im studying like almost everyday,if possible.And me and my friend practice our languages together.^__^
    "Harajuku boy you got some wicked style!"
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  12. #337
    I'm just normal okay? xFanGirl's Avatar
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    Because i really love Japan,
    And later,,,when im 18 or something,
    I really want to go to Japan
    I really dont wanna stay in the Netherlands,,,or at least,,,really much traveling and that sort of things

  13. #338
    still hiding hideway's Avatar
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    Because it is fun?

  14. #339
    카매론 kameron's Avatar
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    I really love Japanese. I do get frustrated though when I'm unable to fully express myself but practice makes perfect I suppose

    My main motivation for learning Japanese at this point in time is my university exchange to Yokohama National University. I really want to be able to have a natural conversation with other Japanese students, with NO ENGLISH! or as little as possible.

    Another motivation is the time and effort I have put in to Japanese in the past. After 14 years of studying the language there is no way I'm gonna drop it.

    And yet another motivation is a girl I met called Natsumi. She's so great to talk with and I love her for who she truly is, not just because she is Japanese.

    Any other motivations? The JLPT! I would love to go for the JLPT1 after my exchange (December 2010) but I have no idea how my Japanese will progress.

    And finally, my desparation to be able to read a Japanese newspaper! Almost every day I go to my state's library, grab an issue of the Asahi Shinbun and start reading it. Of course I can barely understand anything, that's where my trusty dictionary comes in handy. But I'd one day love to be able to read it without the dictionary, that'd be something else...
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  15. #340
    Tell me, Tell me ~! Arlet's Avatar
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    Because im planning to go there.
    And because i was bored learning languages without Characters.
    (like english, french and stuff.)
    This is another Challenge
    Thats not al...I want to move to Japan one day~!
    Siwon Sarangheayo~!<3

  16. #341
    카매론 kameron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlet View Post
    ...because i was bored learning languages without Characters.
    (like english, french and stuff.)
    This is another Challenge
    I agree, I gave Dutch, Afrikaans and German a shot in the past and they just seem so boring to learn >< The sense of achievement you get after learning the new characters in asian languages gives you a little boost to keep going.

  17. #342
    Tell me, Tell me ~! Arlet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kameron View Post
    I agree, I gave Dutch, Afrikaans and German a shot in the past and they just seem so boring to learn >< The sense of achievement you get after learning the new characters in asian languages gives you a little boost to keep going.
    I know, the characters are a new challenge to learn.
    And there a 3 different groups so...
    At least i'll be busy for coming months (years).

  18. #343
    한국을 배우는 사람 ハダカ's Avatar
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    At my side kana is done. Grammar is fearsome. After russian it is very difficult to understand

  19. #344
    Junior Member DAI_YAN's Avatar
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    Because I am a foreing languages student and I would like to be able to speak as much languages as I can learn.
    actually I'm just learning English and French at the University, and learning Japanese by myself.

  20. #345
    4 years studying Japanese
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    Because I'm interested in the culture, history, food, etc and probably everyone else is interested in. I can read more kanji that I can write it -- right now I'm practicing vocabulary by reading AOITORI BUNKO books. You can't communicate without the right vocabulary, no matter how many kanji you know. Eventually I hope to become a translator, or just somewhere I can speak Japanese all the time.

  21. #346
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    I live in Japan, I want people to be able to understand me, and the other way.

    Still got a long way to go, but I might put the speed up this year. I hope I can...
    Last edited by Dutch Baka; Feb 3, 2008 at 08:35. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  22. #347
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    Heart Japan Futures! Japan World Peace Plan & Japan Children!

    Learning Japan Language is important, more important than learning English.

    I plan to Learn Japan Language to speak the Language & to teach Japan Langauge to others of Non Wesern Ancestry & those of Western Ancestry.

    Japan Langauge is unlike any other language because Japan is known for Intelligence, Sophistication, Culture & Style that promotes Life OF Earth, Peace, Enlightenment, & appreciation of Nature.

    It would be great to learn & practice Japan langauge from this Forum!

  23. #348


    Hi guys. Glad to discovered this forum. I am a gakusee just beginning learning Japanese as my fourth languages. My purpose for joining this forum is to exchange some ideas and techniques in learning Japanese. I am no good at grammar which I think is the most painful part for me. As some of you guys have already experienced with the same thing know that the opposite way of saying when translate in Japanese. Any suggestion for beginner ?

    Oh one more thing. Reason I am learning the language is because I am looking for a Japanese girlfriend. LOL

  24. #349
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellEarth View Post
    Learning Japan Language is important, more important than learning English.
    I plan to Learn Japan Language to speak the Language & to teach Japan Langauge to others of Non Wesern Ancestry & those of Western Ancestry.
    Japan Langauge is unlike any other language because Japan is known for Intelligence, Sophistication, Culture & Style that promotes Life OF Earth, Peace, Enlightenment, & appreciation of Nature.
    It would be great to learn & practice Japan langauge from this Forum!
    Whose hand should I shake for banning him?

  25. #350
    Sudden Bursts of Awsome PrototypeModel's Avatar
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    I enjoy the way the language sounds. Something about it is appealing to me. I also have quite an interest in the way the culture has sharp contrasts to what I grew up with.
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