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View Poll Results: What is your motivation to learn Japanese ?

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  • I want to communicate with my Japanese relatives

    57 7.64%
  • I want to talk to my Japanese friends or make some new ones

    290 38.87%
  • I live in Japan (so for daily life use...)

    62 8.31%
  • My boyfriend/girlfriend is Japanese or want to make one.

    136 18.23%
  • I (will) need it for my job

    152 20.38%
  • To read the manga or understand the anime

    289 38.74%
  • For the video games

    171 22.92%
  • To travel in Japan

    384 51.47%
  • I am interested in Japanese culture/language, etc.

    557 74.66%
  • For no particular reason or others (please specify in forum)

    88 11.80%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Why are you learning Japanese ?

  1. #351
    Join Date
    Apr 16, 2008
    I have been interested in the Japanese culture for quite some time now. There have been a collection of things that have led to my keen interest in the culture. I love their food, and I have met a few Japanese friends through games. Japanese, to me, is just really cool. I love the way it looks, how it sounds, and how it all seems to flow. Japan seems like it would be one of the coolest places in the world to go, as everyone seems to have fun and enjoy themselves. Recently, I have became more and more interested in it with my want to develop a third language. (I currently speak English as my mother tongue with Spanish as a secondary language). The practices and other things that the Japanese do make them a very unique, and special culture. I feel strongly that they know the right way to live. I also want to learn Japanese to enjoy games of course

  2. #352
    Regular Member Tsurugi's Avatar
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    I am studiing it because I love that language.Since I was 15,I was trying to learn it,but there was not chance for it.And now I finally could buy Oxford Japanese-English dictionary and since then,I have studied it very hard.

  3. #353
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    I really don't want to be a sore, but may I politely ask what difference does a dictionary make?

  4. #354
    Regular Member Tsurugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
    I really don't want to be a sore, but may I politely ask what difference does a dictionary make?
    Yes,of course.I didn't have a chance to learn it before but I already knew how to pronounce katakana and hiragana letters and the use of kanji,watching the Japanese animes.And then I bought dictionary and it was able to help me very much.

    But I still have to practice a lot.

  5. #355
    My Name is Troy ^_^*
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    ^_^* why you ask...Why not?

    I am 20 years old. Born September 2nd 1987 I will be 21 this year. And this is why I want to learn Japanese.
    For as many years as I can remember, something significant has drawn me toward Japan.
    I began to notice Japan around the age of 5, I'm not going to lie I place total
    blame on Anime, and from there it evolved into love.
    I discovered as much as I could and it was all beautiful. I want so badly to learn the language and live in Japan.
    But I want to live it too... what best to learn.
    I belive in past life, like being an old soul, my mother even believes so and I'm really sure thats why
    Japan calls to me, the culture is amazing, the religion is moving, its people are enchanting.
    I work hard when I know my goal and I would do what it took to make this happen, I just need
    a guiding hand in learning ‚æ‚낵‚­‚£(^o^)/

  6. #356
    Regular Member Zoon van Ijs's Avatar
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    Well, I've started learning Japanese several months ago, and the main reason was that I was always, and still am, very interested in learning languages, and in discovering world cultures. I've started watching animes and reading manga regularly more than a year ago, so I had a growing need to understand them, independently from the translations which seem rather confusing sometimes (For example, I saw Ergo Proxy with English subtitles first, then with French subtitles, and they were different enough one from the other to give different connotations for the antagonists feelings and thoughts)... and that's the reason why I chose Japanese (I was going to learn Russian instead, but I'll just leave it until I'm done with Japanese) ... ‚æ‚낵‚­ ‚¨‚Ë‚ª‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·
    Last edited by Zoon van Ijs; May 18, 2008 at 08:41. Reason: use of hiragana

  7. #357
    Regular Member LukeSettle's Avatar
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    I started learning out of interest in Japanese culture and music.
    Then i started watching some anime and reading manga and just got even more hooked from there.
    Now im planning a trip for when i can fluently read write and speak Japanese.

  8. #358
    •Ï‚í‚Á‚�é tada's Avatar
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    Me wanting to learn Japanese started ca. 2002 with me just wanting to play Japanese-language video games and because I was always interested in the culture to a certain degree.
    - For the video games
    - I am interested in Japanese culture/language, etc.

    Then I became interested in anime/manga as well.
    - To read the manga or understand the anime
    In 2005, I started formally studying Japanese at UW. As my skill increased, so did my love for Japan. I so thought it was going to be a passing fad, but it continues still to this day stronger than ever. I never planned on actually visiting originally, but my first trip to Japan was in 2007 and I am trying my best to live there. I never learned it specifically for the purpose of traveling there, but it was helpful, so...
    - To travel in Japan
    I also have cousins over there, and one that shares similar interests to me. It's funny; both of us talk to each other in the other's native tongue (he practices his English on me)
    - I want to communicate with my Japanese relatives
    I'm part of Japanese Student Association at UW, and I have an e-penpal now.
    - I want to talk to my Japanese friends or make some new ones
    Ultimately I do want a Japanese girlfriend, but unlike a lot of people, I did not learn Japanese just to hit on them. Not nearly as high on the list as the others, so I didn't check it, but it's there in some degree.
    - My boyfriend/girlfriend is Japanese or want to make one.
    I can't check this one yet, but I hope someday I can.
    - I live in Japan (so for daily life use...)
    And of course, that implies...
    - I (will) need it for my job
    That's almost the whole list

  9. #359
    Regular Member Mimmy_08's Avatar
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    Japanese Language

    I'm studying Japanese because I need it for my job. My boss is a Japanese and I'm working in a Japanese Company.

    I love to learn Nihonggo!
    "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." Mark Twain

  10. #360
    Sengoku Daimyo AJBryant's Avatar
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    I should throw one in.

    I was a Japanese history buff in college, so it was only natural that I started studying Japanese (back in 1978 -- Gah!!).

  11. #361
    ‚â‚Á‚½`I Tomii515's Avatar
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    I've probably posted here more than once... But whatever, I'm bored.

    Three years ago, randomly when I first found out about youtube, I came across the song "Passion" by Utada Hikaru. I fell in love, and that's when I decided I wanted to learn Japanese. Hahah, yes, I know. A weird way to get interested.... At least it wasn't anime (no offence, of course).

    So anyways, after that, when I learned more about everything Japanese, I fell in love! I had a very big interest in the culture, people, food, country, language, history, etc etc etc. And that's also where I found my interest in languages itself!

    So yah, here I am now, learning Japanese B^]



  12. #362
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    I'm studying Japanese because I've finally given in to my admiration for the culture and the people. I take a train for 2 hours a day and rather than sentence myself to 2 hours of reading a newspaper and doing sudoku puzzles that I'd much rather learn something.

    There are good days and bad days but most days I manage to learn a little more. I'm happy to learn a few new Kanji a day and to read a little faster. I could probably learn far faster if I live in Japan, but I have some Japanese friends here who are very helpful and encouraging and I've always found learning enjoyable.

    It's not easy to learn on one's own. I go to Japanese class every Saturday morning for three hours. I really enjoy the time I spend studying.


  13. #363
    Junior Member kubiatsu's Avatar
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    I've started to learn Japanese for a number of reasons, one being that I aim to eventually live in Japan as I am currently studying for a career in the games industry. Two being that I like to watch a lot of anime, and three; I am very interested in Japanese culture and it's language. However I think I need to join a language class or get a personal tutor to progress better!

  14. #364
    Junior Member Dareka's Avatar
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    anime/manga/video games,travel to tokyo,...
    Japan is THE country

  15. #365
    Junior Member
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    i'm learning Japanese because i feel stupid and embarrassed that i don't know it already! my mum is Japanese and my dad English. he doesn't speak it at all so, living in England, my mum never spoke it around the house. as i was growing up i never felt the urge to learn, even though we went to Japan every year to visit relatives. now i'm older i realise it is a crime that i can't speak it! i've never had a proper conversation with my grandparents- how lame is that?! it's time to do something about it before it's too late..

  16. #366
    ‚�‚¿‚�‚¿‚µ‚½H�´ ASHIKAGA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenta View Post
    ....i've never had a proper conversation with my grandparents- how lame is that?! it's time to do something about it before it's too late..
    Your grandparents will be thrilled! That's a good enough reason to learn Japanese right there.
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  17. #367
    Unhealthy Obsession..ist? BEAT's Avatar
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    Every other thing I do somehow rolls back to Japanese. With it I could have an easier life, being able to Read, and speak Japanese rather than hope for a translator and such. And it's just Cool.
    I am bent on moving out of the country and living somewhere else because the US is getting to me, so my ideas are Australia, Europe (as in England or Ireland) or Japan.

  18. #368
    Junior Member
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    ahm, hello everyone!!! happy greetings. I wanted to know Japanese language because I am very interested to make a manga. Actually, I am now finalizing it but it took me many months to assemble it because I don't know how will I name my characters in Japanese since I am a Filipino.

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