Meh. Higher begginer/lower intermediate.
My reading in kana is quite good, but I know only like 20 kanji.
My grammar is okay.
I know about 50-60 words. Or more; I never counted.
I've been teaching myself.
Native speaker
Native level (upper-advanced - JLPT1)
Advanced (JLPT2)
High intermediate-lower advanced
Intermediate (JLPT3)
High beginner/lower intermediate (JLPT4)
Know the kanas, but still pretty much beginner
Just a few words or phrases (greetings, etc)
I don't know anything, but I want to learn !
Don't care about Japanese language.
Meh. Higher begginer/lower intermediate.
My reading in kana is quite good, but I know only like 20 kanji.
My grammar is okay.
I know about 50-60 words. Or more; I never counted.
I've been teaching myself.
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"If a man talks to god, he is religious. If God talks to him, he is schitzophrenic."
Hmmm. I would probably say High Beginner/Low Intermediate.
I know all the Hiragana and probably most of Katakana.
Hmm...I don't know how many words I know...a lot?!??!?
I'm very good at grammer, so that's a big +.
I don't really know a lot of kanji... I only know how to write about 5 - 10 kanji. If I can't remember how to write it, but know what it says... Probabaly 20 - 25 or those... maybe more, IDK. (BTW: what does "JLPT#" mean?)
Hiya all,
I'm fairly low level. Can speak japanese ok, well enough to order beer and get myself out of trouble. My comprehension is higher than my speaking but I guess everyone gets that. My main let down seems to normally be vocabulary. As for writing, just getting back into it. ok with the kana's. Sometimes forget one but normally figure it out. As for Kanji, know the meaning of around 50, but that is what I am working on at the moment. Kanji is hard tho, fun but hard. But i guess it is true. Every picture does tell a story![]()
I voted for "Know the kanas, but still pretty much beginner ".Actually I also know many greetings , some grammar and sentence structuring .As for the kanji I know about 15.Does that qualify me to be a "High beginner/lower intermediate (JLPT4)".
Japanese is my native language.
voted for "Know the kanas, but still pretty much beginner"![]()
I know all the hiragana and i'm teaching myself katakana because my class moves too slow...
my japanese pronunciation in really bad...![]()
i can introduce myself and i can point out objects and tell what they are and thats about it...![]()
I had choose "know the kanas, but..." too.
I did learn all kana quickly (1 week to hiragana, 1 month to katakana because i was "dispersed" with my job), ItLs easy I think.
After begin with usual expressions and grammar.
I can compose single sentences (but with a short vocabulary I think) in form masu/desu, use of adverbs and adjetives, etc.
This days, I am learning expressions with -te + iru/aru etc., although ILm quite beginner in verbs declinations and clasification on conjugation groups.
Fortunately I have a japanese friend-penpal who is learning spanish and we do language exchange by mail 3-4 times at month. ItLs very useful to correct mistakes.
ILm teaching to myself with text downloaded from the net and a kanji method book, a grammar book and a dictionary, but iLm confused about that way I must take to learn japanese well. Then, ILm "anarchist" in my learning and this limits my progression. Any advice about this?
I have no much time to study, I work 10-14 hours daily as truck driver. I can only stud at some pauses between driving and I canLt concentrate rightly. At home, no much time more. I must sleep sometimes!
Today I learned the #100 kanji, but... I still donLt know how to pronounce the kanjis that I learn. ILm learning kanji with "Remembering tha Kanji" book.
ItLs quick and secure to non forget it, but first teach the meaning and writing; the 2nd book will teach the reads. The order is not the most useful kanji, but with common elements.
So, I type in kana without kanji.
Oopss! No more time now
(ILm sorry if my poor english hurt your eyes, hehe)
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I haven't been studying that long.
I will start reading children's books soon. I'm still learning kanji.
I passed JLPT level 2 last year, but if I took it again this year, I'm sure I'd fail due to lack of study.
Regarding preparation, I think studying vocab. and doing plenty of mock tests before hand helped me get the grade. My listening comprehension rose significantly because of regular practice listening questions. Most of the mock stuff came from the "Nihongo Journal", a Japanese monthly publication that includes sample questions for preparation. Yamasa (my language school) subscribed to it so had plenty of old copies for me to use.
I also got a Kanji game for the PS2 (in Japan). I forget the name but allows you to practice for the main Kanji test at various levels. If I remember right, I could get level 6 or 7 on that. Although I did not sit that Kanji exam, I feel it helped a bit with the "Goi" section of JLPT that includes Kanji comprehension.
Regarding children's books... I have a translated version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and although I can follow the story it is quite difficult to fully understand. Reading books (as opposed to manga) should be quite useful for the reading part of JLPT.
I'm in between Level 2 and 3... i kinda failed my joyokanji exam (in university) recently... you shouldn't try studying 1000 kanji (I already know the other half) in 1 week... ^^;;; well... there'll be another chance soon... I'll be ready than... other than that, as long as I know the vocabs I usually am able to understand anything normal (like newspapers, etc) but when it comes to writing my own stuff or speaking... i really suck... >.< we seldom need it in university, so I lack practice...
For the language course I'm taking next years February they sended me a test for intermediate level but.. it was way to easy o_ô
I guess the biggest problem are the Kanji >_< (even they are a ot of help to make things clearer when it comes to understanding)
@Niedy: xD omg... I found a fellow student! Good luck for the test!!
I know a ton of words.
Quite a few songs off by heart.
And some phrases here and there.
I want to become as fluent as I can though.![]()
Watashi wa nihongo o hanasimasu. Nihongo wa kari masuka?
I took a few classes and in a year or so I'm going to take another. Right now I'm practicing on my own.
When you complain about the farmer try not to talk with your mouth full.
I've studied Japanese for nearly 4 years. I've taken several classes, and at a Japanese Language Immersion camp, I was in the most advanced class.
I don't consider myself by any means an expert, but I do tutor a few students in Japanese.
Did three years at college, but didn't learn to say much.
ok me and japanese learning isnt that good i always wanted to know how to speek in japanese but my mum wont let me she dosnt even want me to go there ( dont know y tho TT__TT) but i know like hello and sorry and cute lol thats it TT__TT but i want need to know more tho.
I just know a few words and phrases, stuffs like that. But I'm trying~
[insert something here]
I know all the hiragana, a big amount of katakana, some usefull expressions and words, basic grammar and basic particles. but I maybe know like a handfull of kanji so I cant read japanese (even if its written in hiragana, I still lack vocabulary). Anyway I started like a month ago, so its pretty normal.
I can read hiragana and katakana, I know the basic grammar. I also recognize about 300-400 kanji, but I know only their meanings - I can't read them. My vocabulary is rather tiny, though.
I can read 'kana and an uncountable number of kanji, but I do not write it very well at all. However I can speak the language rather well.
I only know some phrases. I don't really know how to write in kanji, katana and hiragana^ ^ Only romanji^ ^
hi there! i'm an enthusiastic beginner in learning know what, i took japanese as one of my subject in my B Ed. TESL degree...frankly speaking, it's quite hard but if u're really inerested to getting know them better then all things will be going smooth...God's willing...=)
now i would like to learn mandarin as well since my grandmother is a chinese...but she don't know how to speak chinese because she was raised by a Malay family before she got married with my handsome grandfather - a Malay Malaysia, mixed marriage inter multiracial is a normal matter...
p/s:who wants to learn Malay from me??? -wink-