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  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Sexless couples and train molestations

    You can discuss the article Sexual issues in Japanese society : a cultural problem in this thread.
    Last edited by Maciamo; Apr 4, 2010 at 03:27.

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  2. #2
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    I have read somewhere about how mothers in Japan are extremely physical with their sons. As a result many men are afraid to touch their partners for fear it will lead to sex. What I don't know is why sexlessness would be something new.

  3. #3
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    Definitely not physical.

    Quote Originally Posted by ushiwakamaru View Post
    I have read somewhere about how mothers in Japan are extremely physical with their sons. As a result many men are afraid to touch their partners for fear it will lead to sex. What I don't know is why sexlessness would be something new.

    I think most sons rather avoid to touch their mother, and even try to behave cold.(same to father though) This is because they don't want to be Mazakon(mother-complex; boys who are liking and depending on their mother.) This kind of behaviour is socially unaccepted, therefore they don't become too friendly to each other, especially in public.
    Some mothers love their sons too much and in that case their sons tend to grow as Mazakon, but I never hard of Japanese mothers being physical with their sons. Sorry if I misread!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by queen View Post
    I think most sons rather avoid to touch their mother, and even try to behave cold.(same to father though) This is because they don't want to be Mazakon(mother-complex; boys who are liking and depending on their mother.) This kind of behaviour is socially unaccepted, therefore they don't become too friendly to each other, especially in public.
    Some mothers love their sons too much and in that case their sons tend to grow as Mazakon, but I never hard of Japanese mothers being physical with their sons. Sorry if I misread!
    You didn't misread my post. But, I think you've got the wrong idea about Mazakon; it usually describes adults.

    Japanese mothers usually sleep dakine (da-ki-neh, lit. skin-to-skin, mean in embrace) with their sons, in the parent's bed, even during adolescence. I guess my 15 year old brother still cuddle's with mom (Japanese) before bed, would be an example. Japanese mothers, also, help their son's bathe until the son forces her to stop, usually after sexual awakening. In other words, the mother will routinely scrub the son until sexual tension renders it intolerable. From my experience, Japanese motherly love tends to be very flirtatious and physical. Several articles, all of which quote "The Journal of Psychohistory," also talk of playfully tweaking the son's member being common. That's questionable; nobody seems to have heard of it.

    So, patting their preschool-age boys bottom, caressing their teenage boy, and lots of contact may be a normal way for Japanese mom's show their affection, but an argument is that it may not be productive in the long run. There was a media hysteria in the 80's about mother's giving themselves for sex to their son's so they can study for entrance exams, but the prevalence of that is, again, questionable.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ushiwakamaru View Post
    You didn't misread my post. But, I think you've got the wrong idea about Mazakon; it usually describes adults.

    Japanese mothers usually sleep dakine (da-ki-neh, lit. skin-to-skin, mean in embrace) with their sons, in the parent's bed, even during adolescence. I guess my 15 year old brother still cuddle's with mom (Japanese) before bed, would be an example. Japanese mothers, also, help their son's bathe until the son forces her to stop, usually after sexual awakening. In other words, the mother will routinely scrub the son until sexual tension renders it intolerable. From my experience, Japanese motherly love tends to be very flirtatious and physical. Several articles, all of which quote "The Journal of Psychohistory," also talk of playfully tweaking the son's member being common. That's questionable; nobody seems to have heard of it.

    So, patting their preschool-age boys bottom, caressing their teenage boy, and lots of contact may be a normal way for Japanese mom's show their affection, but an argument is that it may not be productive in the long run. There was a media hysteria in the 80's about mother's giving themselves for sex to their son's so they can study for entrance exams, but the prevalence of that is, again, questionable.

    Sorry, but if the ideas of yours are coming from your brother and mother then I think they are rather special/unusual for general Japanese mother and son. Dakine is normally only for baby/little kids. For instance, my Japanese brother started to sleep in his own room since the age of 1. As for Mazakon, we use it to describe both teenage children and adults; so some teenage boys start to behaving cold toward their mother in order to avoid misunderstanding(normally in public) or simply because they want to show they are no longer little boys.

    I know Japanese mothers love their children so much, whether girl or boy, and some might go a bit too far(like doing things for their child more than supposed to) but not in any sexual way I believe. Mothers giving themselves for sex to their son's so they can study for entrance exams?? I'm interested whether it is a true story, but that sounds absolutely disgusting to me and it doesn't make sense; normal mothers would leave children alone in their room if they wanted them to study, no disturbance.
    Besides, Japanese children tend to reject them when mother is showing too much affection because being independent is important after certain age. Those who fail to do it and depend on their mother, end up being Mazakon.

  6. #6
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    Like I said in my first post, it clearly isn't making much of a difference anyways. I'm sorry, guess I was jumping to conclusions. Also, I'm really growing wearing of these "modern Japanese sexology" sites. Although alot of things were immediate throw-aways, like mother's masturbating their kids in public, but some parts seemed all too familiar to me... Mmmm... this isn't going anywhere.
    Maybe I'll ask you about this instead: Is Japanese teen sex really spreading as rapidly as the media makes it seem? Why is young adult sex decreasing at the same time?

  7. #7
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    I'm not denying the sexually loose side of modern Japanese. But things are different when it comes to family. Being intimate with family member is taboo, definitely not accepted socially as you can see from how Mazakon boys are despised.(Even in my primary school, girls were already using this word to tease some boys) So I just didn't want you to misunderstand that bit...because hearing these dodgy stories makes me feel sick I'm afraid...>.< If you get any sort of knowledge from that kind of Japanese adult manga, don't believe them. They are for pervs.

    To answer your question, teen sex is actually spreading maybe more than media shows from my view. More like, their idea of sex became casual. I don't really know whether the society made them like that or it just comes from their adventurous character. What do you mean by young adult sex? If you mean it by couples, you know why it's happening at the same time. Japanese people don't necessarily marry someone they love. Thus it is very easy to get into sexless relationship, but then they have plenty of people round them, who are in the same situation...which often lead to adultery. As a result, having a sexual relationship with ANYONE became rather casual in the society and so they don't have the feeling of guilt for it. That is from a negative point of view.
    But let me mention that I know there are still some people who are very committed to their partner and faithful, and sticking to their way despite of those rather disturbing surroundings. They deserve to be admired and I wish I will continue to be one of them=)
    I'm sorry if I didn't make a point for you.

  8. #8
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    Be disgusted. Every website on sex or incest in Japan, just quotes this one site called "Growing up Sexually" which somehow finds all of these weird and outdated writings and compiles them to show this really twisted version of Japan. Thanks for that, I couldn't accurately pick out what parts were "true" (none, apparently). I think you've got the idea across. It's just hard to figure out these new trends; teens having sex, married couples not having sex, young unmarried people in relationships having sex, young 草食男子 not having relationships...

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