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View Poll Results: How would you rate Kanazawa ?

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  • 5™ : Fantastic, a true jewel - shouldn't be missed !

    1 100.00%
  • 4™ : A fine place, well worth a visit

    0 0%
  • 3™ : Not too shabby, but nothing to get excited about

    0 0%
  • 2™ : Not so good, hard to recommend

    0 0%
  • 1™ : Terrible - run away fast !

    0 0%
  • Never been there

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  • Been there but no opinion

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Thread: Off-the-beaten-track : KANAZAWA

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 17, 2002

    Arrow Off-the-beaten-track : KANAZAWA

    Kanazawa is one of the best preserved Edo-period city in the land of Wa. Tucked on the northern façade of the Japanese Alps, it is remote enough from the main shinkansen line running from Aomori to Tokyo to Osaka and west to Kyushu to be overlooked by tourists in a haste.

    Kanazawa's Nagamachi, Teramachi and Katamachi neighbourhood have nothing to envy to Kyoto's Gion.

    The local Kenroku-en (Œ“˜Z‰€) is generally considered one of Japan's three finest gardens.

    If you have been there, share your impressions and rate the destination for other fellow travellers.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 12, 2010
    I LOVE Kanazawa. I was only there for two days, and have been to many places since then but this city left it's impression on me, not least Kenroku-en as you mention.

    One great advantage of Kanazawa is that it is a big city, and has all the benefits of a big city, but all you will want and need as a tourist is in a compact area, and unlike some of the other Japanese urban sprawls, Kanazawa has a clear and definite centre, in Katamachi. Here you will find many down-to-earth, welcoming bars and restaurants, with a nightlife that I think rivals Osaka.
    Another attraction is Oyama Jinja, a unique shrine in that its design has Dutch influence, most notably the Shinmon Gate at the entrance.
    But the biggest selling point is, I think, the overall vibe of the city. People who have been to Osaka and have experienced the more down-to-earth, friendly nature of the locals will know what I mean. Kanazawa is just like that, with a feel and texture all of it's own. It must be experienced first hand to truly 'get'.

    If you're still not convinced, how about this: it's the one major place in Japan I've been to that isn't choked with tourists.

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