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View Poll Results: Are you bothered by girls making up in the metro ?

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  • That's very disrespectful and bothersome

    3 5.00%
  • That's a bit annoying

    9 15.00%
  • I really don't care

    28 46.67%
  • I don't see any problem and even like it

    20 33.33%
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Thread: Are you bothered by girls making up in the metro ?

  1. #1
    Œ‹�Ž� (what a tasty dog) A ke bono kane kotto's Avatar
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    Are you bothered by girls making up in the metro ?

    I heard many times that the Japanese consider it bad manner if a girl/woman apply make-up in public, for example in a train or metro. I don't feel bothered by it. In fact, I find it rather charming. I much prefer seeing a girl making herself pretty than an old man picking his nose in public. In the metro in Tokyo there are signs for "prohibited behaviours", like fighting, drinking alcohol, talking loudly on the phone, and applying make-up. I really don't get why this last one is bad etiquette. Is it just me ? How do you feel about it ?
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  2. #2
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    Personally I do not find it to be bad manners, but probably many Japanese do as many (not all!) Japanese feel that a woman should not leave the house without make-up on and to put it on in public would be "bad manners".

    Also, there are many a Japanese high school girl who, once they leave school, will, leave their school clothers in a public locker at a train station and may put on make-up in public on their way to partying with their friends. Perhaps this is why it is shunned? I do not know. Maybe others will chime in with more pertinent information.

    However, like you, if I see a woman putting on make-up, or "brushing up" on a public transportation system, it does not bother me at all, but conveys to me that she wants to look her best for whomever she is meeting and therefore I overlook it. It just seems natural to me.
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  3. #3
    Tubthumper JimmySeal's Avatar
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    I once knew a (fairly chauvinistic) English fellow who found the idea of a female applying makeup on the train. "Why should I have to look at you without all your makeup done?" was his attitude.

    I don't find anything the least bit wrong with someone doing their makeup in public. It's a whole lot better than a lot of the stuff (public urination, spitting, loudly clearing one's throat) that I see around here.

  4. #4
    a non member
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    I don't care at all. As long as they are silent and not spraying their hairspray over me or something like that.

    There are other things that are bothering me in the train though (boys making up, calling on the phone and people who don't stand up for a pregnant lady), but girls making up... why should I be bothered.
    Last edited by Dutch Baka; Mar 26, 2008 at 10:27. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  5. #5
    Regular Member Mars Man's Avatar
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    It's totally fine with me too ! (in fact, I wouldn't mind if they changed clothes on the train too...hee, hee, hee......{ouch !! a slap upside the head by my little lady})

    A few girls at the uni will do it in the morning classes, and that doesn't bother me either. My seminar girls, some of them, at least, will do it in my office during that period of time, and I don't mind at all...it's kind of like I am one of 'the girls' almost.

    Putting on makeup is an art, and I enjoy that element, so, in fact I sometimes direct them or compliment them on a job well done. So if a girl or lady (or even a guy) is painting her/his face on the train or in public, I enjoy the work of the artist.

  6. #6
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    Personally, I think most girls look better without make-up on.
    And sometimes seeing them put on make-up in public just irritates me. It's like it's a constant reminder in my face that women put on make-up, something I don't much like.

    And not only do they wear it, it seems like some women are obsessed with it!

    I stand stand it when people put in make-up while driving. Now that just really makes me angry, it's bad enough they think they have to put on make-up to look pretty, but they endanger other people by putting on make-up when driving!

    Yeah, I think it's stupid that women wear make-up to look pretty when men don't. All that heavy make-up looks unnatural and weird.

    I dunno, maybe it's just my general aggravation with gender roles. I'm not a misogynist or a misandrist, I just hate gender.

    I don't think applying make-up in public should be disallowed though.

  7. #7
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    If she´s putting on make up for me I´m fine with it....
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  8. #8
    Regular Member Tokis-Phoenix's Avatar
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    It doesn't bother me at all, in fact i've done it myself so i would be hypocritical to have something against other girls who do it.
    What is annoying though is when you're on a really long train journey and the person sitting next to you is also on a long journey, except throughout the entire thing they decide to text and chat on their mobile phone 24/7 while they have their 3 course meal that they've brought along (which just has to contain really noisy or crumby food like crisps and cake) and take up your side of the arm rest while they're at it.

  9. #9
    The Hairy Wookie Mycernius's Avatar
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    Doesn't bother me, and to tell the truth better than a man doing his make-up, which I have seen.
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  10. #10
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    Must have been this kind of guy.

    Btw, this is Papillon (Koushaku Chouno) from Busou Renkin.

  11. #11
    Fear my Niftyness MadamePapillon's Avatar
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    Oh hells no
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  12. #12
    Sister Earth Goldiegirl's Avatar
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    I don't mind if anyone wants to put their make-up on while on the train. I don't do that though as I don't have a steady hand to begin with, I can only imagine how my make-up would look if I put it on while on a train or any moving form of transportation. Also I use loose powder make-up so it's hard to manage and I wouldn't want to puff anyone with it, that wouldn't be nice!
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  13. #13
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    I think it's great when people are not ashamed of showing feelings

  14. #14
    still hiding hideway's Avatar
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    Certainly almost no one in Portugal would have a problem with a woman or girl making up in the metro. I find it as natural or as insulting as reading a book. I doesn't really bother anyone and I find it awkward to see that such rules were invented and imposed by someone only by arbitrary will.

    Although I've to agree with kireikoori, most women really look better without all that stuff on their face.

    That and high heels shoes.
    *hides* (please don't hit me )

  15. #15
    Regular Member Tokis-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hideway View Post
    Although I've to agree with kireikoori, most women really look better without all that stuff on their face.

    That and high heels shoes.
    *hides* (please don't hit me )

    Eh i agree with you there, makeup can do so much to improve a woman's looks, i don't know why some women seem to never bother to use the stuff.

    I always put on a bit of makeup when i go out; i know some people will probably disagree when i say this, but i think its just as important to make yourself look nice as it is to make yourself smell nice.

  16. #16
    still hiding hideway's Avatar
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    Psst, actually I'm one of those persons. (I was really agreeing with kireikoori).

    I do agree with you with the need to smell nice though. That certainly leaves a good impression. (just don't overdo it!) :P

  17. #17
    ‘f“G‚È–`Œ¯Žn‚Ü‚éI Kirakira1232's Avatar
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    Funnily enough I dont see many women here in Australia "touch up" while they're in public or on the trains. I think most women prefer to do that in the bathroom...in groups of two or three lol.

    I wouldnt be offended by it though...there are MUCH worser things I have seen people do on trains...esspecially late at night >_>

  18. #18
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    MadamePapillon and Tokis-Phoenix defending make-up?
    Weren't you two attacking sexism in the kawaii thread earlier?
    And then getting offended at a man doing it?

    Make-up is the result of women being objectified more than men.
    I'm Libertarian, and I believe people should be able to do what they want. Including putting make-up on in public of course.

    But am I ok with the fact women are so heavily objectified that they believe they have to put on make-up to look good?
    Heck no!

  19. #19
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    Its just not good imo, exactly like earrings, I don't like them. A face clean of all that rubbish looks so much better...
    Wait, you must have seen those diamonds some chaps put in their teeth, right? Lol, now thats the worst, dunno if it should be considered jewelry or make-up, but Its really the worst and most dodgy thing I can think of.

  20. #20
    Sister Earth Goldiegirl's Avatar
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    Guys "scratch" in public! That's way worse than make-up!

  21. #21
    Regular Member FrustratedDave's Avatar
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    It bothers me b/c they are usually the ones who won't get out of their seats for the elderly, too busy making their faces so they can be truely superficial.

  22. #22
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldiegirl View Post
    Guys "scratch" in public! That's way worse than make-up!
    Hmm, when I one of those "fashion dolls and/or super conservative" folks, I often start tilt my head left and right quickly, or start scratching my head violently, like a cat or dog (with my hand ofc.).
    Its nice to see their reaction, if nothing works, I just spit on the ground lol.

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  23. #23
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    It doesn't bother me, but I always can't help but think, if the train jerks suddenly will she accidentally poke herself in the eye with her mascara? Or smear lipstick over her cheek?

  24. #24
    Sister Earth Goldiegirl's Avatar
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    You know FrustratedDave not all old people want you to give your seat up to them. My husband did that for a very tiny, frail looking elderly woman and I thought she was going to beat him with her shopping bag for offering his seat. She was so mad that he thought she was weak. I bet she used to put makeup on while traveling the train!

  25. #25
    puzzled gaijin
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    Personally, I don't mind if they do it in the train. When they start doing it during class (not before or after), then I get annoyed.

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