I thought it might be useful to compile a few sentences for people visiting Japan for the first time with no knowledge of Japanese language. You want to avoid trouble in a strange foreign country. Don't bother reading if you already know the basics in Japanese.
Japanese people are vert polite and many expressions are used frequently which do not really have a translation in English. It's good to memorise them just "as is" since you will need them a lot in daily life.
This was actually written by a friend of mine who has been reading manga in Japanese for a looong time and can now write Japanese very naturally (you'd be surprised !)
‚�¯ ‚�ß‚çA‰´—l‚ª’Ê‚é‚ñ� ¾ [doke temera, oresama ga torunda] : excuse me (when trying to pass between people in a crowded place)
‚�‚¤�‰ñ‚â‚Á‚�Ý‚é‚� A‚Ô‚Á‚½‰Ÿ‚µ‚�â‚é [mou ikkai yattemiruto buttaoshiteyaru] : (after someone pushed you or stepped on your feet) it's alright, don't worry
‚Ó‚³‚°‚é‚ÈA‚±‚ë‚·‚¼ [fusageruna, korosuzo] : (when someone gives you your help as they think you are lost) : I will be fine, but thanks for asking
‚È‚ñ‚¾� ‚̂΂Θb@[nanda sono bababanashi] : (to a woman who talks to you and that you want to please) you speak so elegantly
‚¤‚¹‚ëA‚‚»‚ª‚« ! [usero, kusogaki] : (to a child who shows interest in your foreignness) hey there sweety !