The Story

Motosuwa Hideki, 18, is from Hokkaido. He comes to Tokyo to study. Everybody in Tokyo has fallen for the new crave : the "persocon" (person computer). These look exactly like humans, except for their ears. They talk like humans and can express pre-programmed feelings, but they are just computers. They get your mail, can be used as phones, do your housework, cook, keep you company, laugh at your joke, sing... anything you want as long as you've installed the right programme or taught them how to do it.

Hideki immediately wants to get one of those wonderful machines, but has no money and persocon are expensives.
As he is discovering his new neighbourhood, he finds a personcon thown in the rubbish/garbage. She looks very cute, but doesn't seem to work. He brings her back to his flat and suceeds in turning her on, but the persocon can only say one word : "Chii" (whic becomes her name). As Hideki doesn't know anything about persocon, he ask his newly met friend Shimbo for help. Chii's memory had been deleted, but she seemed to still be able to learn normally.

Hideki then starts teaching her to speak or how to behave in the world and they soon fall in love for each other. What he doesn't know is that "Chii" isn't a normal persocon. Could she be one of the legendary Chobits series that can truely feel like humans ?

Chobits is romantic, funny and a bit "etchi. You'll probably find it addictive. "It's one of the best anime series I've ever seen. It's very emotional, but also realistic (Tokyo is exactly as it is) and fills you with positive feelings for the day.