I'm upto episode 15 of Chobits, although I have upto episode 26 I was wondering if the manga follows the same story a la Naruto/Love Hina etc or does it progress beyond episode 26?
Yes, love it !
Not bad...
Don't know it
Don't care, other
I'm upto episode 15 of Chobits, although I have upto episode 26 I was wondering if the manga follows the same story a la Naruto/Love Hina etc or does it progress beyond episode 26?
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nah the manga stops at ep 26, although there're more details in the manga as for who hibiya's husband was and so...
One of the most adventurous things left for us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams....
basicly chobits is so cool i watched it and i am hooked
Ah, Chobits was so funny... I loved it! One of my favourite anime. I should really rewatch it sometime...
For what I have seen of chobits, which is about 5 episodes, I love it. I hope to see the others at some point soon.
Watched the anime some time ago. I really enjoyed it, Chii is so cute and there are so many comical scenes. Prehaps I should get hold of the manga one of these days.
I originally bought the manga for this and quite enjoyed it. When I found out about the anime series I was a bit unsure whether to buy it or not. Eventually I caved in and bought the entire series and was glad I did. I found it moving, funny and a mature approach to the subject. It is a pity that programme controllers on TV will just put on anime series such as Pokemon, DBZ and Yu-Gi-Yo when there are better series out there.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...Remember the Siruis Cybernetic Corportations motto: Share and Enjoy
I've always liked CLAMP's works, and Chobits was a set that I never regretted buying. Granted, the drawing style was much different from that of X and the past types, but it was good too. The storyline was sad, but sweet, and if memory serves me correctly, there was a part where it mentioned Angelic Layer, or more particularly, a person who was an integral character in Angelic Layer...![]()
I haven't actually watched the anime since I don't have SCV, and it's not shown on national tv yet (... in my country). Hmm, maybe I really oughta get my paws... er, hands on a set of the dvd.![]()
Of course I love Chobits. It's awesome.
I'm not much of an anime fan, but I loved it!
I have never read the manga but I've watched the anime... It was cute.. I love chobits
Good show, and it has striking teasers. Also thoroughly enjoyed the "Chibits" mini episode that is on one of the discs.
–qŽt - ‹Bl - ƒoƒX‚̉^“]‚³‚ñ@|@“ì”Øl
One of the greatest clips ever, thereisnospoon.... Only Osaka!
Chobits is such a great anime I love it! I never got all the way through it and sadly I don't own any of the DVDs of it but I am hoping I can get ahold of some soon!
It would be pretty cool if computers actually did turn out like this someday don't you think? have a little compainion to take with you anywhere you went...lol and that you could use to surf the net..an interesting idea.
ow yes. Chobits is a splendid anime. One of the first one I watched, which got me into anime in general. Chii is sooo cute. Plus the soundtrack is great, I've downloaded the CD. Love it!
I laugh because its so perverted but all in all it's got a really good storyline .
It is not something i will watch over and over.
I like it because it's super-cute and a bit perverted but it's ok. ^-^![]()
yes I do....I have the two with the actual soundtrack, I wans't that much charmed by the character song collection ;p
I know what you mean. Some should really stick to voice acting, not singing.
love it
the draw and the storie, though i think the manga is much better than the anime
I adore Chobits. It's one of the only manga & animes I ever really got into and thoroughly enjoyed. I must admit, I am not much a fan of the leaping action uber-roboto-tron type anime's, and the like.
Are there any other manga/anime with the same kind of, I don't know, feel, or atmosphere of Chobits?
I totally love CHobits! i wish they made more episodes