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View Poll Results: What is your Body Mass Index ?

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  • anorexia (< 17.5 kg/m2)

    4 5.13%
  • underweight (<19.1 for women, <20.7 for men)

    16 20.51%
  • ideal weight (19.1-25.8 for women, 20.7-26.4 for men)

    38 48.72%
  • marginally overweight (25.8-27.3 for women, 26.4-27.8 for men)

    9 11.54%
  • overweight (27.3-32.3 for women, 27.8-31.1 for men)

    3 3.85%
  • very overweight or obese (>32.3 for women, >31.1 for men)

    0 0%
  • severely obese (35 - 40 kg/m2)

    1 1.28%
  • morbidly obese (40 - 50 kg/m2)

    0 0%
  • super obese (50 - 60 kg/m2)

    2 2.56%
  • I didn't manage to calculate my BMI

    5 6.41%
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Thread: Fat or underweight ? JREF members test yourselves !

  1. #51
    Regular Member Zaff's Avatar
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    Apr 3, 2007
    Protein is only a building block of muslce linked along with some amino acids.... Dont get me started on what a real diet consists of, im sick of reading magazines that show these diets.... there full of poop.

    Obeika no I dont look like Jay, but I have only been going to a gym for 2 years. If your asking about muscle I am 217 pounds and in the summer I can rock a six pack yes.

    Bodybuilding comes in cycles, gain then cut gain then cut gain then cut. SO in the winter you EAT and EAT and EAT I hit about 7 meals a day in the winter. Now im on a cutting cycle so only 5 meals a day and I lower my calories by about 250 a day for 2 weeks then 400 for two weeks. Then back to normal for 2 days then lower again, this tricks the metabolism into working at full rate with less to work on you shred fat not muscle.

    Most people will diet and lose more muslce than fat due to how they diet, sure they might lose up to 60lbs but still 20lbs of fat and the other 40lbs is muscle.

    Im no expert but I know how to make the most of my body and I drink more beer than a rugby team in full swing.

    When im up to scratch you will get a nice picture on my myspace.
    It is said that there is a thin line between genius and insanity. Which side of the line I stand ill let you decide!

  2. #52
    Regular Member AichiAlex's Avatar
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    Yess, I'm right at 20.7
    Japan Blog <----My Blog About My Life In Japan

  3. #53
    Junior Member
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    Nov 12, 2007
    ideal weight (19.1-25.8 for women)?!?!?!

    I mean, my BMI is about 22 but I still look fat...
    I kind of can't believe that these results can be taken serious...

  4. #54
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    Hungary or Scotland
    Okay i don't get the poll, but im almost 190 cm and roughly 77kg.

  5. #55
    Junior Member White-Hexe's Avatar
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    Vernon, BC
    I used the calculator and got 21.8. The area Im supposed to be in for my age and height is 19-25. I'm perfectly fine with that.

  6. #56
    devil's advocate Satorian's Avatar
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    Apr 17, 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TokyoJuliet View Post
    ideal weight (19.1-25.8 for women)?!?!?!

    I mean, my BMI is about 22 but I still look fat...
    I kind of can't believe that these results can be taken serious...
    Just goes to show you how much our expected image has deviated from what actually is healthy.

    Fun fact: There once was a study done on the anatomy of "female" store window mannequins and they found out, that if those were real people, they would a) be unable to fit all internal organs and b) be unable to give birth due to lethal underweight.

  7. #57
    The President Juno333's Avatar
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    In Wonderland, drinking tea with Alice, the white Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the Queen and Madhatter!
    owwww goodies, I got 20 precisely, ideal weight....hm I don't think of my weight as ideal aha! science has been lying to me again...figures, completely.....I have watched way to many movies....

  8. #58
    Œp‘±‚Í—Í‚È‚è bakaKanadajin's Avatar
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    I got 31...

    I'm not fat though, I work out and train quite a bit. I don't think BMI is accurate for athletes.

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