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View Poll Results: Do you believe in astrology ?

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  • Yes, I strongly believe in it

    0 0%
  • I somewhat believe in it, to some extent

    16 29.09%
  • I do not really believe in it, but I do read my horoscope from time to time

    11 20.00%
  • Astrology is a pack of lies !

    28 50.91%
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Thread: Do you believe in astrology ?

  1. #26
    Sister Earth Goldiegirl's Avatar
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    The lightbulb thing is funny....somehow in my mind I changed light bulbs to toilet paper and I laughed even more.
    I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. ~Jack Handey

  2. #27
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    I think astrology is good, put sometimes what they put in the papers or th magazines is just a bunch of crap.

    But sometimes it really helps!!

    Gambatte ne!

  3. #28
    ~Vizual~ Skullcrushergurl's Avatar
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    Not really but I look at my horoscope just for fun.
    I think I believe that your personailty may have a little to do with when you're born.
    My friend went nuts with it and that's why we aren't friends like we used to be.
    She complained all the time that rabbits and horses couldn't get along.
    Oops I didn't realize this was so old...sorry guys.

    Sexy, Fun, and Confident. IT'S MIYAVI!!!!

  4. #29
    Regular Member •ï龙¯'s Avatar
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    Well,since I started learning at school~teachers kept on teaching me to be a materialist ~ I don't think I am a complete materialist, but I still think that astrology can solve any problem-it's just a kind of game sometimes~

  5. #30
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Perhaps the only problem that astrology can solve is the poverty of the astrologer.

    If they can get enough people to believe what they are peddling, they can make a pretty good living.

  6. #31
    Fear my Niftyness MadamePapillon's Avatar
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    I never read my horoscope because I know it's just a load of crap...however, true astronomy...

    The astronomy that involves the time, date, place of birth ect and star charts and whatnot, in general I've checked out several different kinds and they have all remained relatively similar and almost scary in their accuracy of me, my personality, even my quirks and frustrations. Some are more accurate than others of course, but I've become a believer.
    All Hail to the HYPNOTOAD *clap* *clap* *clap*

  7. #32
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    I believe in Atsrology. I don't think there is not a reason to deny its powers. Astrology is a FACT! The argument should be how much does it affect you?

    This planet is affected by the sun, the moon. We have day time, night time, we have summers and winters. The sun affects us as human beings. We have low tide, high tide, women are affected by the moon by having the Menstruation cycle. We bleed more when it is full moon. There are more homicides when it is full moon.

    I can come with many more examples on how just the moon and the sun is affecting us so why should not also stars affect us? Like it or not we are affected by external powers. The question is just how much are we affected by it?

    Another interesting thing is that the Bible has much of it's stories from ancient tales and astrology. The Bible is more or less astrology where it has changed the various start signs into people.

    Jesus was born of a Virgin on the 25th. The god's son was born on the winter Solstice. 12 diciples is 12 constellations of the Zodiac.

    Last edited by centrajapan; Dec 7, 2007 at 22:52. Reason: spelling mistake & I forgot to mention the Bible

  8. #33
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    Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary on December 25th.

    First of all, the birth sequence is completely astrological. The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which, on December 24th, aligns with the 3 brightest stars in Orion's Belt. [S60] [M] These 3 bright stars are called today what they were called in ancient times: The Three Kings.[S61] [S62] The Three Kings and the brightest star, Sirius, all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th.[S63] [M] This is why the Three Kings "follow" the star in the east, in order to locate the sunrise -- the birth of the sun.[S64] [M]

    The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo, [S65] also known as Virgo the Virgin. Virgo in Latin means virgin. The ancient glyph for Virgo is the altered "m". This is why Mary along with other virgin mothers, such as Adonis's mother Myrrha [S66], or Buddha's mother Maya [S67] begin with an M.[S68] [M] Virgo is also referred to as the House of Bread [S69] [S70], and the representation of Virgo is a virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. This House of Bread and its symbol of wheat represents August and September, the time of harvest. [D] In turn, Bethlehem, in fact, literally translates to "house of bread". [M] [S71] Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo , a place in the sky, not on Earth.[M] [S72]

  9. #34
    Tokyo and Beyond Annubis's Avatar
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    I guess I'm not Leo... hehe...

    Ever heard of the Orion, the Seven Sisters (Paedes), or Casiopea? These are also astrological symbols. Astrology tells a story in relation to the physical forces in the universe! The story of Persius is quite interesting.
    The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on.
    I've gone back to Canada March 2009. I will miss all of you! Thank you for everything. I will stay in touch.

  10. #35
    The Hairy Wookie Mycernius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan View Post
    I believe in Atsrology. I don't think there is not a reason to deny its powers. Astrology is a FACT! The argument should be how much does it affect you?
    It is not a fact, and putting the word fact in uppercase will not make it fact. It is a form of divination that ranks along with tarot cards, palm reading and phrenology. A bunch of mystical nonsense that sucks in the gullible. For example before the 18th century people didn't know of the existance of Uranus (discovered 1781), neptune and Pluto, so any astrological charts and predictions made before then didn't take them into account. In the 20th centruy the do. Does that make all prediction made before 1781 wrong? Now pluto is no longer classed as a planet, but a dwarf planet, due to the discovery of Sedna and other just beyond Pluto. Are these now have to be taken into account, or are dwraf planets now discarded all together? If so any predictions made before 2006 (when Pluto was re-classified) are wrong.
    How about mediaeval predictions? They thought the Earth was the centre of the universe and the planet revolved around us. Go back further and they thought the stars were fixed (FACT: They are not) and lights on a large dome. In other words Astrology is superstition taken to an almost religious aspect.
    We can take the satrs into account. Why just the twelve signs of the zodiac? there are hundreds of constellations, but only these twelve affect us, or determine our personality. Funny, I always thought personality was formed by our childhood and parents, not by a group of stars that are hundreds and thousands of light years away. You look up in the sky and you are seeing the past. You think you see one star when in FACT a lot of them are binaries. Sirius is a good example of a binary star. One is a large white star and the other is a dying white dwarf. Will our lives be affected when Sirius B finally dies? I doubt that very much, and that is only 8.6 light years away.
    The one thing Astrology did gives us was Astronomy when it shed its mystic rubbish and finally became a science.
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  11. #36
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    Are you saying humans are not affected by external powers? Ofcource they are. That is what I mean by FACT. I did not say that humans are only affected by external powers but there is no doubt that humans are.

    Instead of denying that humans are affected by external powers you should rather be debating that it hardly affects human beings.

  12. #37
    The Hairy Wookie Mycernius's Avatar
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    You said Astrology was a fact not that humans are affected by external powers? An what exactly do you define as external powers, the whether, gravity, a god? Where do you draw the line at external powers, the sun, the planets, 10 light years (LY), 100( LY), 10 000 (LY)? All I said was astrology is not a fact which it is not, instead it is a collection of superstitious nonsense.

    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan
    Instead of denying that humans are affected by external powers you should rather be debating that it hardly affects human beings.
    No, no, no. You are the one who has said it is fact, therefore the burden of proof is on you. That is how theories work. You say a statement such as astrology is a fact and then you provide the evidence for it.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan View Post
    Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary on December 25th.
    No, he wasn't. They provable moved it to this date much later to replace pagan's rites.
    And it wasn't a virgin either, it was a much later maltranslation for the sake of men's dominance games. As well known.

  14. #39
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    No, no, no. You are the one who has said it is fact, therefore the burden of proof is on you. That is how theories work. You say a statement such as astrology is a fact and then you provide the evidence for it.
    I said humans are affected by external powers such as sun, moon so why should it not be affected by stars? Thats what I meant by astrology. Now I'm not sure just how much it affects you but I'm positive that it has some effect on you.

    No, he wasn't. They provable moved it to this date much later to replace pagan's rites.
    And it wasn't a virgin either, it was a much later maltranslation for the sake of men's dominance games. As well known.
    Hmmm. I would be very interested in some source if you had any. I know that there are different types of calendars. Don't they celebrate Christmas on a different date in Russia for instance?

    I have to say I'm pretty much leaning towards the Zeitgeist theory of Christianity though. But I'm not going to defend it no matter what so I can easily shift my opinion on it.

    Others who share the same story as Jesus is.

    Krishna, of India, born of the virgin Devaki with a star in the east signaling his coming, performed miracles with his disciples, and upon his death was resurrected.

    Dionysus of Greece, born of a virgin on December 25th, was a traveling teacher who performed miracles such as turning water into wine, he was referred to as the "King of Kings," "God's Only Begotten Son," "The Alpha and Omega," and many others, and upon his death, he was resurrected.

    Mithra, of Persia, born of a virgin on December 25th, he had 12 disciples and performed miracles, and upon his death was buried for 3 days and thus resurrected, he was also referred to as "The Truth," "The Light," and many others. Interestingly, the sacred day of worship of Mithra was Sunday.

    The fact of the matter is there are numerous saviors, from different periods, from all over the world, which subscribe to these general characteristics

  15. #40
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    I said humans are affected by external powers such as sun, moon so why should it not be affected by stars? Thats what I meant by astrology. Now I'm not sure just how much it affects you but I'm positive that it has some effect on you.
    If you could demonstrate any kind of astrological effect, I know someone who would gladly pay you a million US dollars....

    are you game to try? You dont have to prove why it works, or provide a theory, just demonstrate it under simple and normal observing conditions.

    Come on, go for it!

  16. #41
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    I already did come with an example earlier on if you scroll up.

    But since you seem to have missed the point. I can come with an another very easy example. Hopefully you will catch my drift. Suicides are more common in colder climates than warmer climates. The sun is having an effect. I am not saying it is ONLY because of less sun light that there are more suicides in colder climates but this is one of many factors to why there is a higher suicide rates in colder countries than warmer countries. Therefore external powers to some extent does shape your personality.

    But go ahead by all means. Please believe that the Menstruation cycle has nothing to do with the moon. That the sun does not have any effect on the Earth and its people.

  17. #42
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan View Post
    I already did come with an example earlier on if you scroll up.
    But since you seem to have missed the point. I can come with an another very easy example. Hopefully you will catch my drift. Suicides are more common in colder climates than warmer climates. The sun is having an effect. I am not saying it is ONLY because of less sun light that there are more suicides in colder climates but this is one of many factors to why there is a higher suicide rates in colder countries than warmer countries. Therefore external powers to some extent does shape your personality.
    But go ahead by all means. Please believe that the Menstruation cycle has nothing to do with the moon. That the sun does not have any effect on the Earth and its people.
    The difference is that the effect of the sun and moon are demonstrable in a scientific way. As are weather phenomena.

    Here is a list of the top 10 countries for suicide;

    1. Lithuania
    2. Belarus
    3. Russia
    4. Kazakhstan
    5. Slovenia
    6. Hungary
    7. Guyana
    8. Latvia
    9. Japan
    10. Ukraine

    "Cold" countries like Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden,Finland, and Denmark are remarkable b their absence.

    Astrology however is different. It says that the location of the stars and planets, not their proximity, is the key. And is totally unproven.

  18. #43
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    The flip side of your argument if we are to believe the list you wrote. You see no Africa countries, South East Asian countries on the list. Or Latin American countries. Scandinavia does have a high suicide rate. Higher than most countries on this planet.

    The planets and stars are dynamically interacting with each other and us.

    I don't know how much it affects you. If I did, I would be a millonaire wouldn't I?

  19. #44
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    None of the top ten are Scandinavian countries. Their rankings are;

    Finland 13th

    Denmark 29th

    Sweden 32nd

    Iceland 36th

    Norway 44th

    You dont need to know how it affects people to get the money. All you have to do is demonstrate the effect. It's really very simple.

  20. #45
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RegDunlap View Post
    6. Hungary
    Hope it'll be my neighbor who pushes Hungary to the fifth place.

    Dunno, I kinda believe in astrology... but still some people take it a bit too seriously.

  21. #46
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    source? A link would be nice Reg Dun.

    No, he wasn't. They provable moved it to this date much later to replace pagan's rites.
    And it wasn't a virgin either, it was a much later maltranslation for the sake of men's dominance games. As well known
    I am having a slow day here in my house so I did some research and what you say could be very true. The other theory of my theory is that

    Actually it does not state any date in the New testaments when Jesus was born. It was not until about 336 A.D. that the December 25 date became the official date to celebrate Jesus’ birth.

  22. #47
    The Hairy Wookie Mycernius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan View Post
    The planets and stars are dynamically interacting with each other and us.
    I don't know how much it affects you. If I did, I would be a millonaire wouldn't I?
    Evidence please, site sources please, links please. That is all I and Regdunlap are asking for. Without them you are just making comments on your own belief and belief is not a form of evidence.

  23. #48
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    Evidence please, site sources please, links please. That is all I and Regdunlap are asking for. Without them you are just making comments on your own belief and belief is not a form of evidence.
    The Earth does go around the sun and the moon does go around the Earth. The Earth is a planet in this universe. Humans do live on a planet which interacts with other planets, moons and sun.

    as for suicide.

    1 Lithuania 42.0
    2 Russia 37.4
    3 Belarus 35.0
    4 Latvia 34.3
    5 Estonia 33.2
    6 Hungaryk 32.1
    7 Slovenia 30.9
    8 Ukraine 29.4
    9 Kazakhstan 28.7
    10 Finland 24.3

    source. bbc


    What do all these 10 countries have in common? It's cold and have a long depressing winter. I'm from Norway, I hate the winters. When I wake up in the morning it's dark outside, when I fisnish work it is dark outside. The winters here sure do affect my mood.

    I am curious where Regdunlap got his stats from.

  24. #49
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Here is a list of organizations that would pay you a total of over $2.4 million to show evidence that astrology (or any other pseudo science) works.


  25. #50
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    Do you have a link to your stats? Regdunlap. The suicide stats.

    I am not arguing that astrology is the answer to wisdom and every answer to the earth or how much it affects us. Are you saying the sun does not have an affect on you? In that case I would like to know your secret. You could become a millionaire.

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