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Thread: 10 adjectives that best describe your image of the Japanese national character

  1. #26
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    There is an 11th character trait which I have forgotten and really should make the list : materialistic.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  2. #27
    Regular Member misa.j's Avatar
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    See, "materialistic" did not stand out to me as one of them because of the Japanese I know are less so than the Americans I've met.

    Stubbornness can be somehow portraited from them being introverted, I think. It can be very hard to hear what they are really thinking sometimes.

  3. #28
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misa.j
    See, "materialistic" did not stand out to me as one of them because of the Japanese I know are less so than the Americans I've met.
    Agreed that I also see Americans as more materialistic. But the Japanese seem so much more materialistic in average than Europeans (esp. about luxury items and crazes).

    Stubbornness can be somehow portraited from them being introverted, I think. It can be very hard to hear what they are really thinking sometimes.
    That would be almost the opposite meaning of what "stubborn" means for me. Someone is stubborn if they won't let go an argument, desire or caprice - but in any case they clearly know and say what they want. That doesn't sound Japanese at all to me, justly because many Japanese don't say clearly want they want.

  4. #29
    Veni, vidi... vicodin? GodEmperorLeto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    Agreed that I also see Americans as more materialistic. But the Japanese seem so much more materialistic in average than Europeans (esp. about luxury items and crazes).
    I wouldn't say Americans are more materialistic, but it's just a different kind of materialism. Our society has made plenty of luxury items "necessities". Not everybody needs a cellphone, but many of us have become convinced we do, because they are so damn convenient (although annoying). Throw in a healthy dose of "keep up with the Joneses" and the situation gets worse.

    I dunno if I can come up with 10 characteristics, but I'll try:

    1) Formal
    2) Subtle
    3) Efficient
    4) Cautious
    5) Brave
    6) Insulated
    7) Homogeneous
    8) Stratified
    9) Evolving
    10) Adaptive
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  5. #30
    Regular Member godppgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    There is an 11th character trait which I have forgotten and really should make the list : materialistic.
    That I have to agree.

  6. #31
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GodEmperorLeto
    6) Insulated
    7) Homogeneous
    8) Stratified
    9) Evolving
    Insulated, homogeneous and stratified describe Japanese society, not so much the national character (i.e. how the people are). You cannot say, "Oh is is homogemous, like most other Japanese"...

    What do you mean by evolving ? Fast changing society ?

  7. #32
    Regular Member
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    I perhaps told you before, but your partner's and your field research on the Japanese community in your country would sound more interesting than just a bit too generalised ideas upon Japanese in Japan.

  8. #33
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipokun
    I perhaps told you before, but your partner's and your field research on the Japanese community in your country would sound more interesting than just a bit too generalised ideas upon Japanese in Japan.
    I did post a similar thread yesterday about the Belgian national character.

  9. #34
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  10. #35
    Regular Member
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    Generalities always fail on the exceptions, but I think most Japanese share most of these characteristics:

    1. Honest (in the law-abiding sense).

    2. Dishonest (in the sense of not always giving you the truth, even about important matters).

    3. Hard-working.

    4. Diligent. (Precise attention to detail).

    5. Peaceful.

    6. Group dependent (conformist).

    7. Gracious (especially the women).

    8. Polite (once they've formed any sort of social link with you).

    9. Rude (with anonymous strangers).

    10. Inefficient. At times you can see quite a few Japanese working very hard, and accomplishing relatively little.

  11. #36
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    Either b/c you want the tax break, or b/c you're sympathetic to people in their situation. I've never seen one Japanese person give a homeless person anything... not even a look.

  12. #37
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garminforerunner View Post
    Either b/c you want the tax break, or b/c you're sympathetic to people in their situation. I've never seen one Japanese person give a homeless person anything... not even a look.
    This is because most Japanese homeless are not beggars. They are not necessarily destitute. Many have bank accounts with enough money to survive with this lifestyle. Being homeless for a Japanese is often a personal lifestyle choice.

  13. #38
    Junior Member tripo's Avatar
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    I would say that Japanese to me are more like:

    -Hard working
    -Very formal

  14. #39
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripo View Post
    I would say that Japanese to me are more like:

    -Hard working
    -Very formal
    I agree, except about the 'curious' part, except if you mean about trying new kinds of food.

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