I made it myself~
妈妈mama = a mother
I made it myself~
妈妈mama = a mother
You are making a site on learning Mandarin, that is impressive.. I took a quick glance and it looks really good! I wish I had the motivation and determination to set up something similar.. I'm actually thinking right now if I should set up a site on learning Dutch, for Japanese speakers.. Anyone interested? (Sorry if this is off-topic, if someone wants to make a comment on this please PM me)
I do have one small comment though. I see that you have used a lot of different font styles and sizes to put the focus on certain words or concepts, which is good. However, due at the beginning of chapter 2, it seems a bit over the top; I see 5 different styles of letters in one screen, and it confuses me a little.. It might be an idea to lessen the number of different fonts, so the page becomes more uniform and clear.
Above all, keep up the good work!
You wrote all this material on your own? I thought you had just started learning Chinese yourself... I don't speak Chinese but here are a few crits on your organization of information:
Under "Learn Chinese 1," "RULES OF WRITING CHINESE (STROKE ORDER)" is way too large, and it doesn't seem to be the most important thing about learning the language, since all of your lessons center around speaking instead of writing. I would move this section further down the page, and use a consistent set of fonts for headers, subheads, and body text. A CSS style sheet would help with this.
You explained pinyin but not which tonal changes correspond to the marks, and then you use numbers instead for the rest of the site, and don't explain what they mean. In other words, you stress how important the different tones are, but provide no key or legend for us to know which is which.
you put the romanization after each character, which breaks the word up too much to recognize the characters when they are next to each other. Try having the compounds, and then putting the romanization. A three-column table would be the most efficient way to organize this kind of information with the characters/compounds, their romanization, and the english meaning.
Your lessons are written as if you are reading from a paragraph, but there is no clear breaks between clearly distinct thoughts:
An educational site should not be written like a one-sided conversation. If I were trying to learn Chinese I would get very little out of this structure. I recommend you rethink the way you organize your information.So you know three characters, that is not enough.
haha! you do not know what that means! You know that 你 means "you" and D means "good" and together,你D, "you good" some how is hello or hi. So, it is "____ good" until you know the œk character.
You must think in this way to read in chinese because you can not learn 60,000 Chinese characters, no one , and I mean no one, not even the chinese can learn them all.œk is hen3. œkD means "very well". now for speed learning ,•s bu4 (boo).错 is cuo4(???).•s错 means "Ok, not bad".谢xie4(sheii).
谢谢 means "thank you".` ` is bai4 bai4 meaning "bye bye!".Äzai4见jian4 means "see you".
new chinese characters learned
œkhen3 Dhao3 •sbu4 错cuo4 谢xie4 `bai4
I made the site in a rush.I will take your ideas into consideration, though.
That reminds me.
No I have a forum and a chat room!
So, do you actually have any proficiency in Chinese yourself?
ah...some what of proficiency.
please join the forum on my site.
I'm just wondering about:
歡迎"學會國語"! - Traditional
欢迎"学会普通话"! - Simplified
Why didn't you just use the word "中文", instead of guo2yu3, and pu3tong1hua4?
Ni3 hui4 shuo1 zhong2wen5 ma6?
There are only 4 tones in Mandarin ... I think.Originally Posted by Gaijinian
that's funny....Originally Posted by justin9213
I guess I mean:
ni3 hui4 shuo1 zhongONEwenTWO ma(FIVE)? Zhongwen is wrote wrong, and I ment to put five, rather than six, for ma (but I guess I don't really need it...)
I guess a better question would be if I can speak Chinese....
There are only 4 tones in Mandarin...
Not like English or Japanese.
Additionally to what Nice Gaijin wrote: I think that this is incorrect:
你ni3(nee) 好hao3(how) : hi , hello,
If you have 2 syllables in the 3rd tone right after each other, the 1st one is not pronounced in the 3rd tone.
I didn't read further than this since I don't have the time, but I recommend you to let your site be reviewed by some Chinese friend of yours.
Yeah, I think Gaijinian's had a few.
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I would like to answer any questions regarding the Chinese language,meanwhile,this is a chance for me to make myself improved in Chinese although it was my mother tongue.Most of times I was thinking that Chinese became stranger after compueter came into our life.
Originally Posted by yzxmw
cool...can someone please make a site on learning Japaneses?