As it came up in the tabla manners thread, I am interested to know how you guys eat your spaghetti. I most usually use a fork and spoon, and occasionally only a fork.
As it came up in the tabla manners thread, I am interested to know how you guys eat your spaghetti. I most usually use a fork and spoon, and occasionally only a fork.
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Good lord. Whatever will j-ref come up with next?!![]()
I use a fork, twirl not cut, and occasionally a knife to push stray ends into place.![]()
Roughly the same.Originally Posted by Kinsao
I'm a twirler as well, though occasionally I'll get carried away in a style reminiscent of an I Love Lucy episode.
The spoon is only brought into play at a nice restaurant, and even then I find msyelf using it reluctantly.
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I cut my spaghetti and eat it with only a fork
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When there is meat to cut, like chicken permesean or sausages, I use a knife, but mostly I only use a fork and twirl my spaghetti.
When I was in Japan, I used to use a spoon when the sauce had a lot of liquid in it to not splatter because I heard that was the proper manner.
I've seen a person who cut his spaghetti into a bite size with a knife and ate it with a fork in US.
I normally eat spaghetti with a fork, but it depends on what's in it (i.e. meatballs, sausage, etc.).
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I only use a fork.
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)
I use a fork. It's fun to twirl spaghetti
I'm lost in my own mind...
Gosh, this thread made me think of a documentary film I saw when I was a kid of the Italian spaghetti harvesters picking the spaghetti off the trees in Northern Italy.
Last edited by ArmandV; May 12, 2006 at 01:31.
Usually with fork only. Occasionally, fork and spoon. Aghh, I missed carbonara... hehe...
I mainly use a fork, but sometimes I have been known to put it on some toast and make a sandwich.
Angels will run and hide their wings...
This is a strange thread, but...
I usually eat spaghetti with just a fork. Sometimes with the help of a spoon. If I have no choice, I'll use chopsticks, but as I am in the habit of slurping noodles that enter my mouth via chopsticks, it can make for a bit of a mess, so I really try to avoid it!
If there is extra sauce after the noodles are gone, I'll use a spoon without exception to finish it off!
I'm a fork man too! Half the fun of eating spaghetti is twirling it on your fork before shoveling it in your mouth!
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I eat mine with fork and spoon, but my husband eats them with knife and fork.
I also use a fork and spoon. Minty and I are civilised compared to the rest of you barbarians![]()
"A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life
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Okay, I can dig a fork, but a spoon??? You've got me all confused, Tsuyoiko! But I'm civilized with a "Z"! So there!
We will civilise you yet! Listen well, my padawan: take your spoon (preferably a soup spoon) in your left hand and your fork in your right. Lift a forkful of spaghetti onto the spoon, then twirl the fork around, using the spoon to hold the spaghetti as you twirl. When it is fully twirled, lift the fork to your mouth. If you get any on your chin you don't get any tiramisu!Originally Posted by Flashjeff
I have to eat it with a Fork and a Knife, and cut in into pieces haha... to long for me, and difficult to eat this stuff!!!
Jeez Louise, boss! That sounds like a whole lotta work, just to be civilised! Especially for an admitted lazy bum like me! Heh! But I can live without tiramisu! Too many calories for my liking, and I'm trying to keep my weight down!Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko
At a restaurant, with a fork, but at home, with chopsticks.![]()
Kyoko-san must be really deft with chopsticks!Originally Posted by Kyoko_desu
If I eat spaghetti with chopsticks, I get spots of tomato sauce all over my glasses...
Normally, I use fork and spoon.![]()
And you're moving to Japan!? How are you gonna eat your udon, ramen, soba etc.. iÎjOriginally Posted by Dutch Baka
haha, yes terrible isn'tOriginally Posted by leonmarino
weird thing is that I do can eat udon, ramen, soba etc without cutting it ;)
I use a fork and spoon - it's so much easier that way![]()
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months
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