Is there racism in China?
I don't think there is Racism in China.....Originally Posted by bossel
In all country's there is Racism, skin color, the kind of work you do, how many kids you have etc etc.. Racism is everywhere in the world....
have a look over here, maybe you like the info:
First you say there isn't, then you say there is in every country ??Originally Posted by Dutch Baka
Ofcourse there is, also the Chinese are very conservative.
I had no issues with racism thoughOnly all of the people staring at me like I was an alien
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Well. Duh. But... like in America, there are steriotypes on chinese like... they all have accents, all smart, all short, ext. In China, the stereotypes for Americans are they are all obese or they are all anerexic, they all have accents, they are all clumsy, dumb and tall. Hahaha!
Well...I am of chinese origins and when speaking chinese, I noticed that there was 2 mains groups: The people called litterally "Yellow-kind-humans" and "Ghosts" for foreigners ^^'
For exemple I often hear the term "black-ghost" for dark skinned people and "Ghost" for caucassians...
Dunno about the main mentality though...
One of the most adventurous things left for us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams....
Yes, but despite such language being used, I would reckon that it's no more than just a habit. You'd be surprised at how many people in China have inferiority complexes (to do with upbringing and an adverse quality of life).
An inferiority complex is actually quite often reason for racism.Originally Posted by Supervin
It would depend on what the inferiority complex relates to, i.e. whether to race specifically or the individual as a whole (the latter being no self-esteem).Originally Posted by bossel
Racism can exist whether there is an inferiority complex or not; I would say that there is no direct correlation per se, but the existence of an inferiority complex can reduce racist tendencies, because of the lack of pride.
An inferiority complex relating to race causes those who have it to 'look upward' towards other races that are perceived to be more 'superior' while being ashamed of one's own.
Well...let's say that depending on where you go the "racism" level will differ, from simple curiosity (if that can be considered racism) to total denial
Racism is everywhere where its now popular to hate on whites.
Nah it isnt too widespread but, thanks to america and the worlds jeliousy/genuine disgruntled earned contempt for it, hating white folk seems to be popular because while a black man or indian could shout racist and it would be taken seriously, hating on whtie folk seems just a tad more acceptable.
How many juries would convict someone for calling me a cracker?.![]()
chinese tend to view caucasians and japanese more the more superior. but blacks and middle easts ppl as inferior beings.
Actually in Asia (not just China) people look down on dark skin people, because they represent the lower class they tow in the fields hence they are dark.
On the other hand, the light skin people (Asians included) represent the higher class because they don't need to work in the field.
In Asia?? Does this include japan?? Dark skin was a trend in Japan a couple of years ago. You overgeneralize too much.Originally Posted by Minty
Last edited by osias; May 26, 2006 at 11:07.
When people say ..."In Asia people do...." it means the majority. For examples Chinese eat dogs, French eat frogs...etc. I find you don't understand what people are talking about at times.Originally Posted by osias
Anyway I donft think fashion trend is correlated to whether Japanese look down at dark skin people or not. I mean in Western countries, white people like to brown their skins under the sun to look tan but this does not mean there is no racism against minorities such as Blacks, Hispanics or Asians.
I mean, dark skin can't become trendy if japanese look down on people with dark skin. These girls are black-wannabes.. Racism in Japan is not based on the color of the skin, perhaps a little different from China, or "the majority of asia".Originally Posted by Minty
Last edited by osias; May 30, 2006 at 04:41.
The basis of your argument of whether there is racism against dark skin people in Japan is based on Japanese school girls' fashion fad?Originally Posted by osias
[Sarcasm]Will Smith has a lot of fans in the US and it is cool to watch his movies, listen to his songs and wear the products he promotes in commercials so therefore no people in the U.S display racism towards blacks. [Sarcasm]
Anyway racism among Chinese and others are not based on people's skin but rather of what they represent.
To the Japanese, young or old, dark skin traditionally represents Œ’N”ü. To the youth, it is the black culture in the US. People usually associate dark skin with positive. But these years, doctors warn against skin cancer and the accelerated aging of the skin, so too much is no good..
I remember once a Chinese teacher told the class how she looked "white" among Indian people. She looked quite happy about that. To the Chinese, I understand that dark skin has to do with lower income/lower class. But it does not have such implications in Japan. and unlike the US and Europe, there aren't major clashes with black people, simply because there aren't many black people in Japan.
I'm quite familiar with both cultures, so I see the difference.
Last edited by osias; May 30, 2006 at 08:01.
I know a Japanese native who told me exact the opposite. White skin is preferred according to her. I also have never seen people use parasols as often as in Japan..Originally Posted by osias
I am not a sociologist or whatever but it seems logical to me that traditionally white skin is considered more beautiful in many cultures. People of lower classes had to work outside to make money, and do dirty jobs; a white, clean skin must have been a sign of class and wealth.
Of course, lately it seems that many people think that being tanned is more healthy. I have to admit I do find extremely pale people not attractive because I associate it (on a sub-conscious level) with not-sporting and not-going-out.
Anyways, I am not saying either one is more superior or whatever, just to make that clear.
Are you just going to give a link, or some further information about the link and the topic?Originally Posted by justin9213
I don't know what it was like hundreds of years ago. I'm talking about these 10 years or 20 years. It's possible that when Japan was poorer, and thus the income inequality was much wider, it could have been different. Do they use parosoles in Japan now? 4 or 5 years ago, almost everyone, young and old, was black. Even during the winter. The japanese just go with the crowd.Originally Posted by leonmarino
It seems that Chinese look more on skin color rather than race then, correct? Because skin color is usually the worst determinant of "race".
Skin color is based more on climatic conditions than race. Any race that lives closer to the equator will have darker skin. Do Chinese know this?
the situation in china is really weird, espcially with the japanese people. A nationalist chinese will definately hate anything japanese, esp japanese people reasons are the massacre committed by the japanese during WW2, Koizumi's visits to war shrine, japanese history books, and maybe inferiority complex may come into play. like those students taking part in the anti japan demo in shanghai last year are. these are the ones who will never forgive nor forget japan's atrocities during ww2. these ppl may also be affected by the communist party's propaganda. when i was in primary school back in shanghai, when were pretty much forced to watch ww2 movies, and sino japan war movies.Originally Posted by Silverbackman
Then there are those chinese who worship japanese culture, games, language, cars (nissan skyline). who view the japanese ppl as more superior, thought may have hatred against japanese ppl for the war. these chinese are usually more open, have forgiven the japanese for their crimes.