The major issues with the States are :
- the food (maybe a bit better in NYC ?)
- the laws (much too conservative, even in "liberal" states)
- the government (esp. since the Bush administration, but I also dislike paranoiac secret services like the CIA, or the "cow-boy" FBI who think they can do whatever they want since the Patriot Act)
- the insecurity (mostly linked to the lack of social security and big gaps between the rich and the poor)
- fanatic Christians (born-again, KKK, etc.)
- rednecks (well, less on the coasts maybe ?)
- everybody is allowed to have a gun (that wouldn't make me feel secure at all - too many lunatics in the world)
- low level of culture and knowledge of too mant people, and ignorance about the rest of the world and even about the USA (similar problem to Japan).
- fanatic Christians (did I mention that ?)
- too materialistic society ("sex & money = life")
I am aware that many people do not fit these generalities, but that's how American society appears to most Europeans who have been there (and didn't stay there

). I suppose that people tend to be more open-minded, better educated and less religious in the North-East and West coasts. I can only judge from the people I met or what I see on TV, as I haven't lived there. I'll tell you after I've stayed there for a while.
