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Thread: The challenge for both Mr Bush and Mr Hu is to control their nationalists at home

  1. #1
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    Jul 19, 2004

    The challenge for both Mr Bush and Mr Hu is to control their nationalists at home

    I don't know how the US goes~

    But I know quite clearly that in China, the government close many numbers of
    nationalists website. Few website can survive ,and one who, survive ,is now being strictly watched! And most of these website are built by personal.

    It seens that China want "harmonious world"outside ,and "harmonious society" inside. It really do much effort. Though some people have less freedom to share their nationalists viewpoint.

  2. #2
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Jul 17, 2002
    What do you mean contain their nationalists ? It seems to me that both the Republican and Communist parties are rather nationalist and patriotic themselves.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  3. #3
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    What do you mean contain their nationalists ? It seems to me that both the Republican and Communist parties are rather nationalist and patriotic themselves.
    About the title of this thread,it's from your link as below:

    Both leaders seem to realise this: Mr Bush praised China elsewhere in his speech, and Chinafs foreign minister said in response that gour common points outnumber our differencesh. The challenge for both Mr Bush and Mr Hu is to control their nationalists at home. And this challenge comes in two parts: economic and strategic.
    This sentence make me think about the close of the nationalistic website.

  4. #4
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4321go
    About the title of this thread,it's from your link as below:
    Yes, it's from "my link", but I didn't say that, and I don't understand why the Chinese foreign minister said that. If you do understand, please explain.

  5. #5
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    Jul 19, 2004
    you mean "our common points outnumber our differences" ?? only this sentence were state by the Chinese foreign minister .

    It's about : "we are friendes rather than enemy!

    I think : In the Newspeak, Both leaders seem to realise good and friendly message.BUT ,in the home, some citizen show their hostility to the other side. Even some dignitary show their hostility to the other side. These voice may make troble on the Bilateral relations .
    Do I explain that? ^_^

  6. #6
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4321go
    you mean "our common points outnumber our differences" ?? only this sentence were state by the Chinese foreign minister .
    Sorry about that. So it was the Economist that said that. But why did you choose this sentence as a title for this thread ? What does it mean to you ? Who are the nationalists ?

  7. #7
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    Jul 19, 2004
    Um~ you want me tell all about it ~!

    Ok ,you are the administrator of this forum? right?
    And I was also a admin of a forum in china before,and the forum 's topic which is about Japan too . We got over 30,000 members within a year . But it suddenly closed by the Gov. So ,That website(forum) isn't exist now!~ and ,I do not be the admin either~ Many other website which the topic about politics,military,and bilateral relations disappeared at the same time.
    I guess it is because the Gov. want to build harmonious society and keep good relationship with other country~ so ,I suppose the Gov. Afterall, the forum do have some memberes spread ultra voice, which may make troble~!
    It is hard to control the forum which have so many member online at the same time . (over 1,000 memberes on line at the same time on the fastigium)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 29, 2005
    4321go... I am not sure America has any "nationalist threat" at home. We have the Republicans who are in power, and they criticize the Democrats, and spread false rumors, and I guess the same is true of the Democrats towards the Republicans, but this is normal.

    The American government's focus is almost entirely on external Islamic fundamentalists who are planning attacks around the world, including attacks inside the United States. In doing this, though, I have to say that the American government has curtailed our basic freedoms and rights and liberties, slightly... but noticeably. For example, the government can now enter anyone's house and take anything or search anything without letting the owner know. This behaviour is entirely new for Americans.

    There are many other signs that America is changing in this "restrictive" direction, so I find it humorous when American government officials go to China and demand that the Chinese give more freedom to their citizens!!!

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Agree with EdZiomek!
    As a mainlander here in the US, I feel little US nationalism. And I don't feel much anti-US sentiment in mainland.
    I think the relations between the US and PRC people are pretty good.
    Politics is politics. And Economy is Economy.
    If we both specialized in task which we have the comparative advantage and trade. We can both benefit from it.
    The US need to break its barriar trading with PRC. Only allowing Boeing to be sold to China is not enough. China want to buy more high-tech goods. If the US still concentrate on soy beans, the deficit will become bigger.

  10. #10
    Seeing is believing Minty's Avatar
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    I saw a news report today. President Hu is visiting Washington at the moment. I am surprise to hear President Bush said that "The US and the world should not view Chinafs rise in of power as a threat to the world." Maybe it's just politic talk, because I know many Americans still in a political sense view China as a threat.

    I am not so happy about the fact that in China they blocked out the protestors of President Hufs visit. I think people of China should understand how the world feels about them, this is essential for Chinese people to modernize.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 10, 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 4321go View Post
    I don't know how the US goes~
    But I know quite clearly that in China, the government close many numbers of
    nationalists website. Few website can survive ,and one who, survive ,is now being strictly watched! And most of these website are built by personal.
    It seens that China want "harmonious world"outside ,and "harmonious society" inside. It really do much effort. Though some people have less freedom to share their nationalists viewpoint.

    Well do you mean Pro-European American web sites? Yes there are plenty.
    I'll tell you after I have psoted longer if you wish to know some.

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