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View Poll Results: Which one do you prefer ?

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  • Tokyo Disneyland

    2 14.29%
  • Tokyo Disney Sea

    6 42.86%
  • Either

    0 0%
  • Both suck !

    1 7.14%
  • I haven't been to both, so I can't compare.

    5 35.71%
Results 1 to 15 of 15

Thread: Tokyo Disney Land vs Disney Sea

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Jul 17, 2002

    Tokyo Disney Land vs Disney Sea

    For those who have been to both amusement parks, which one do you prefer. I am not a big fan of theme parks, but my wife insisted to go to both, so I went. I found Disney Sea much better than the other. It's less childish (no Mickey, etc.) , the decoration is better (Italian, Portuguese, Indian, Mexican....) and the attractions are more for adult too.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 18, 2005
    I just went to Disney Sea for the first time 2 weeks ago. It was much better than I was expecting. I think it was intended to appeal to an older crowd than "Land" was. My favorite part without question was the "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" ride. I used to really love Jules Verne, and that ride was done so very well!

  3. #3
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    I also liked the 2 Jules Verne attractions, but also the Indiana Jones ride, the Genie (of Aladdin) 3D magic show, and the Little Mermaid "musical". The best was probably the atmosphere, especially the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern-Indian sections.

  4. #4
    Hullu RockLee's Avatar
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    It seems the older you get, the more you start liking EDUCATING attractions and ones which have interesting features.When I was young even the stupidest ride would satisfy me ! If it's like Disney Land Paris I won't even bother to go there, DLP was crap !Too expensive and too short
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  5. #5
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    The atmosphere definately is good. I agree that the Mediterranean and Persia/India areas have a very nice ambiance to them, and I recommend them quite highly. Also, maybe it was just the day I went, but it seemed less crowded than "Land".

  6. #6
    gunjin Carlson's Avatar
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    Disney Sea had a diff feel about it..
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  7. #7
    Regular Member MeAndroo's Avatar
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    My favorite part of Disney Sea was the water. That huge lagoon that plays a major role in their nightly fireworks event seemed to keep the whole park a little cooler. I went to Tokyo Disneyland in 1998, and all I can remember, aside from not understanding anything, was the overbearing heat and humidity.

    That being said, at Sea I saw lines for food that were as long as some of the rides.
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  8. #8
    Go to shopping PopCulturePooka's Avatar
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    While I love Disney Land and think its got quite a fun vibe to it, Disney sea really is on a whole other level. The atmosphere and layout just... work.

  9. #9
    MYV isayhello's Avatar
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    Disney LAND! (^o^) It was more fun. I found Disney Sea to be more mature, but also more boring. When I was at Disney Sea, the weather wasn't great, that might have mattered...?
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  10. #10
    Regular Member eemaan's Avatar
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    i know this htrwad is ancient, but i'm really interested in trying to visit here if we go japan this year. we are going to disneyland in paris in june and i would love to go to disney sea as on the website it looked fabulous.
    I've tried to see if i can book a package online, but no lucl on the search, does anyone know how i could book a holiday in tokyo with a 2 day visit to the parks?
    i'd be very grateful.
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  11. #11
    Regular Member Mr Man's Avatar
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    Sorry but I chose the "both suck" option. If I wanna stand in line for an hour and a half, I can do that for free at a lot of places. They know they are packing the parks with waaaay too many people for anyone to actually have a hope in hell of getting more than a handful of rides. A day passport means nothing really if you can't actually use it. You can put your name down at rides and tell them what time you want to go on it though, and when the time comes, they zap you to the front of the line. Trouble with this is there are now hundreds of people doing it, so the lines are now even longer as they let all the Disney nerds through to the front...

  12. #12
    Junior Member DoctorP's Avatar
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    I've never had any problems with lines. But, I always go in the middle of the week and during off peak seasons. It usually means taking the kids out of school for a couple of days, but we have always had a really good time without too much hassle with long lines.

  13. #13
    Regular Member Mr Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
    I've never had any problems with lines. But, I always go in the middle of the week and during off peak seasons. It usually means taking the kids out of school for a couple of days, but we have always had a really good time without too much hassle with long lines.
    Yep, that's good thinking! I'm waiting for the next typhoon to hit, and then it's "Kid's who wants to go to Disneyland?" LOL

  14. #14
    Five times to Japan. ArmandV's Avatar
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    I haven't been to either, but if I were to do so, it would be the Disney Sea park. Why should I travel 6,000 miles to Japan to go to Disneyland Tokyo when I can just drive 60 miles to Anaheim to go to the original one?

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  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Dec 20, 2014
    For those who have been to both amusement parks, which one do you prefer. I am not a big fan of theme parks, but my wife insisted to go to both, so I went. I found Disney Sea much better than the other. It's less childish (no Mickey, etc.) , the decoration is better (Italian, Portuguese, Indian, Mexican....) and the attractions are more for adult too.
    Maciamo ! You are right Disney Sea is better than Disney Land. I must say Disney Land is a famous theme park and best for kid’s refreshment. If we talk about Disney Sea it is a favorite place for those who love to enjoy the different rides.

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