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  • I run away (this guy might be dangerous)

    2 6.45%
  • I don't do anything (better stay out of other people's business)

    4 12.90%
  • I start shouting "Police ! Police ! Stop the thief !"

    10 32.26%
  • I step in front of the thief and tell or gesture him to stop

    1 3.23%
  • I feign indifference, then trip him with my foot as he passes by

    12 38.71%
  • I feign indifference, then extend my arm to his neck when he gets near to knock him down

    8 25.81%
  • I get ready and punch him in the face

    6 19.35%
  • I take the gun I always carry on me and shoot him between the eyes (I hate thieves)

    4 12.90%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: What would you do if a bag-snatcher ran toward you ?

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Question What would you do if a bag-snatcher ran toward you ?

    Imagine the situation. You are in a crowded shopping street, with department stores and brand shops all round (like in Ginza in Tokyo, the 5th Avenue in NY, Oxford Street in London, the big boulevards in Paris...). Suddenly a man snatches a woman's brand bag (probably with her wallet, etc. inside) and starts running away. You were justly strolling in the area and the bag-snatcher is running toward you. If you don't do anything, he will run past you and escape. What do you do ?

    Depending on my mood and the people around, I would either not care or feign indifference then knock the guy down as he runs past me.

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  2. #2
    Junior Member DoctorP's Avatar
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    I would just take his *** down...no need to act like I'm not interested in the situation. I would probably put a good open field tackle on his *** then proceed to take a weeks worth of beatings out on him!

  3. #3
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    What mangaish imagination, Maciamo, esp. the one about feigning indifference and then going "whack !" or the cold administering of poetic justice between the eyes !
    I have never had the honour of a close encouter with a snatcher(ess); I guess I just have that "vigilanti" aura that I will/can/would/could/might take it upon myself to screw up a good snatch for the evening.

    The closest it came to one of those happened recently while I was on a bus. It was parked at a station for passengers to get on/off, and in the perhaps 30-second pause, I witnessed a group of half-a-dozen junior high schoolers with fish-manju's in their mouths sticking their hands in front of a loner. Eventually it struck me that they were demanding money; scary thing to happen in broad daylight with so many people passing by. I had the urge to stick my head out the window just to scare them off, but the bus had already started by then, besides I had one of my students with me so little I could do given the givens. But these are the lines I would have shouted.

    "Yo Inspector Kim ! Here's the Iljin Society gangsters we were looking for ! Round 'em up without exception; I have urgent business elsewhere ! Round up their parents, too ! Report to me when you're done."

  4. #4
    gunjin Carlson's Avatar
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    im a big guy.. and workout and used to fighting so i wouldnt have any trouble stoping someone...as long as i felt i wouldnt get hurt anyway...
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    *Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.
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  5. #5
    Dreadlock Anchyyy's Avatar
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    I would trip him with my foot! Stupid thief!!

  6. #6
    Pink Lady's Number #1 Fan Flashjeff's Avatar
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    I'd put my WWE experience to work. Knock his *** down with a clothesline, then put him in figure-four leglock until the cops arrive. And that would be a good deed for the day!

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  7. #7
    tsuyaku o tsukete kudasai nurizeko's Avatar
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    I'de stick my arm out and clothes-line him, pick up the bag and restrain him, all before he knos whats happening.

    get someone to call the police and return the handbag, dust myself off and continue on my way.

    Crisis averted.

  8. #8
    Horizon Rider Kinsao's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'd trip him up. I'd also shout (probably something along the lines of "Hey"! THIEF!!"... although who knows... XD). I mean, if he's male... with a handbag... running... OK, so maybe he's just trying to escape from his wife before she spends his beer money... but I'm thinking other people would also have their suspicions.

  9. #9
    Depending on mood, i would either do nothing or trip them up... Or get out the way... Definiatly if they looked dangerous. Actually it also depends on what the thief looks like. If its a big scary looking guy i might have to re-think the tripping him up manoeuvre... And then ponder as to why a big scary looking guy would steal someones bag...

  10. #10
    Cat lover Apollo's Avatar
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    I had a similar experience when in Prague, when riding in the subway.

    It was packed with people, and my friend and I were standing when I noticed this suspious guy always starring at my friend. First I thought he starred because we were speaking gibberrish (Danish), then I thought maybe he was trying to steal from her (my friend had a huge bag covered by her jacket which she was holding on to with both hands in front of her). To make sure, I slipped my hand under her jacket to her bag with the itention to help her carry her sportsbag - and there I touched his hand!!! I was shocked, as well as he - and I asked him what he was doing with his hand in her bag under her jacket- and then he looked away and pushed people away to get away from us...

    I am more of a talker/shouter, I don't think I have the guts to punch a thief!!!

  11. #11
    Hullu RockLee's Avatar
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    I would kick his *** down and hold his head in a armlock(or whatever it's called) and wait for some people to call the police.I hate thieves with a passion !
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  12. #12
    Cat lover Apollo's Avatar
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    Seems like I am in minority here: By being a talker/shouter instead of punching and kickboxing....But I am not a "chicken" since I do act by shouting!!!

  13. #13
    I jump to conclusions mad pierrot's Avatar
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    I'd run towards him and snatch his bag.

    uh...wait! No! That doesn't sound right...erm.....

    I meant to say, I'd knock his arse out, take his wallet, and run away giggling.

    On a completely unrelated note, you'll never guess what I found in Umeda today; a basket of WINE! (Unopened.) No joke. Just sitting there on the street corner of a busy intersection, and no one was touching it!
    Wtf? I was going to take it to koban, but decided to leave it there in the event of thirsty bum. Happy days.

  14. #14
    Cat lover Apollo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mad pierrot
    On a completely unrelated note, you'll never guess what I found in Umeda today; a basket of WINE! (Unopened.) No joke. Just sitting there on the street corner of a busy intersection, and no one was touching it!
    Wtf? I was going to take it to koban, but decided to leave it there in the event of thirsty bum. Happy days.
    Oh! You have a good heart M.Pierrot!!! It reminds me that when I with friends were going out and we had 6-pack with us walking down Grand Central Station here in Copenhagen, we saw this homeless begging for money to buy beer (he had a sign saying: want money to buy beer) - and my former coursemate was struck by the honesty of the sign that he took a can of beer and handed it to him.... The homeless person was very glad!!!

  15. #15
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mAD pIERROT
    I'd run towards him and snatch his bag.
    uh...wait! No! That doesn't sound right...erm.....

    I meant to say, I'd knock his arse out, take his wallet, and run away giggling.
    This is so typical of you, Mad Pierrot, however...
    I was thinking of robbing him not only of his bad, but what else he's got before the snatching, say his wallet of the Japanese male-purse.
    After stripping him of all his clothes except the bare essential last, and tying him up with clothes-stringing in the manner of SM, I'd make him give up all his personal belongings, take a hundred mug shots of semi-nudity for posting all over the WWW, I would go through all his personal belongings, register them in a police report list as evidence, and request a national lost-and-found survey to see if any of those were stolen also. And then I would proceed to psychologically torture him for a confession of all dishonest behaviour, whether he has ever spat out profanity or participated in any right-wing political rally on one of those black buses, raise a wooden cross, and hang him high for public ridicule for 3 days and 3 nights non-stop, and take him down only on condition that he will willingly do public service such as cleaning the public bathrooms or catch 10 other snatchers before he can go free... naw, that too easy. First I will brand him on the forhead and buttocks with the words in kanji, "stupid bag snatcher of womens' hand bags." He would have to report to the forum penitentiary weekly to show evidence that he has been a good boy for the rest of his life, or else, "whack !!*

    I shall remind him that Mad Pierrot also has murderous thoughts about thieves who doesn't live too far away from him. Of course he can take to the sea and drown himself to escape Justice, but the sharks will get him eventually. Hahahahaha...

  16. #16
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mad pierrot
    I found in Umeda today; a basket of WINE! (Unopened.) No joke. Just sitting there on the street corner of a busy intersection, and no one was touching it!
    Wtf? I was going to take it to koban, but decided to leave it there in the event of thirsty bum. Happy days.
    You did good to leave it there; there might have been deadly poison in it; there have been random poisoning of drinks left in public, haven't there ?
    Last edited by lexico; Nov 1, 2005 at 01:01.

  17. #17
    Cat lover Apollo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lexico
    You did good to leave it there; there might have been deady poison in it; there have been random poisoning of drinks left in public, haven't there ?
    Then it would have been one hell of a drunk evening for the poor bum....

  18. #18
    Hullu RockLee's Avatar
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    He would drink himself to death...literally

  19. #19
    ‘�•Ï‚í‚炸•s‘©ŽÒ‚�· epigene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss_apollo7
    Seems like I am in minority here: By being a talker/shouter instead of punching and kickboxing....But I am not a "chicken" since I do act by shouting!!!
    That's quite right for a young lady to do, Miss apollo7!

    Quote Originally Posted by mad pierrot
    On a completely unrelated note, you'll never guess what I found in Umeda today; a basket of WINE! (Unopened.) No joke. Just sitting there on the street corner of a busy intersection, and no one was touching it! Wtf? I was going to take it to koban, but decided to leave it there in the event of thirsty bum. Happy days.
    I think people didn't touch it because of the recent cases of poison-laced stuff lying on the ground or on benches, making homeless people, dogs and cats ill or killing them...
    At least, I wouldn't...

    As for the purse-snatching attempts I wrote about on another thread, I was attacked in lonely streets. Those punks make sure they find obasans walking or riding their mama-charis with no one around.

  20. #20
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    Well, I am only a little girly person, so I wouldn't be bodily tackling any burly thieves anytime soon. I would just shout "Help! Police! Stop, thief!" like a damsel in distress.
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  21. #21
    The Hairy Wookie Mycernius's Avatar
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    Trip the bugger up and then sit on him or even better, if I was with my brother, get him to sit on him. My brother is a big bloke. Who cares if while I was sat on him his face might hit the ground several times. I sure a lot of people wouldn't see that
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  22. #22
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    A damsel in distress shouting for help would surely get all the virtuous men jump on the villain. Nice tactic. Btw ""Help! Police! Stop, thief!" might make a nice 4-letter kanji expression. Any ideas ?
    Mike, is that your brother in your profile ? All the while (before seeing you in your kayak) I had thought you were very big; then I thought you had gone from big to athletic slim; now I think that is you brother.

  23. #23
    a non member
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    Depends on the place excually, in my neigboorhood, i wouldnt do anything, because I know that nowadays, this kind of guys were knifes with them, and i already had one in my back, so yeah, i dont run after them or something! I would maybe alert the people around me, if they wont do anything, ill try to remember what the person-s look like, and help the victim with telling the police!!

    maybe in another city, i would run after the person * also depends on the person, I am not so big, so i wont run after a bodybuilder!!! a lill kid from 13... ILL KILL HIM!!!!!

  24. #24
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    If he were running towards me, I'd feign indifference and then kick him square in the knees/shins as hard as I could. This wound ensure that he is brought down quickly and painfully.
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  25. #25
    Regular Member misa.j's Avatar
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    In real life, if I was in that kind of situation, I would get very nervous and might not know what to do.

    But hopefully, I can stop the snatcher and get the bag back to the woman by spraying the pepper spray and call for help. I would try not to be physically close to the thief.

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