Moreover China is being balanced against, whether it likes it or not. Russia is making deals with Japan and India more than it is with the Chinese. With the exception of the Kuril Islands dispute, Russia and Japan are well matched trade partners. China and Russia are less so. Chinese immigration into the east is starting to become a worrying problem, and a balancing alliance with Japan will only add to its security in the east, rather than one with China which would keep the status quo or slowly degrade Russiafs hand.
The main feature to watch for within the United States is the progressive enlargement of the power of the Pentagon leading eventually to a military take-over of the government. The Roman Republic, from which the founders of the United States drew many institutional precedents (separation of powers, term limits, fixed elections, toleration of slavery), offers the best example of the pattern. The Roman republic, which collapsed in 27 BC, failed to adjust to the unintended consequences of its imperialism, leading to a drastic alteration in its form of government. The militarism that inescapably accompanied Rome's imperial projects slowly undermined its constitution as well as the very considerable political and human rights its citizens enjoyed. The American republic, of course, has not yet collapsed; it is just under considerable strain as the imperial presidency-and its supporting military legions-undermine congress and the courts. However, the Roman outcome-turning over power to an autocracy backed by military force and welcomed by ordinary citizens because it seemed to bring stability-suggests what might happen after Bush and his neoconservatives are thrown out of office.