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View Poll Results: Take the test and choose the score you got

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    34 20.12%
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    12 7.10%
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    12 7.10%
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Thread: Are you a racist ? (test yourself)

  1. #26
    Your Goddess is here Ma Cherie's Avatar
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    Well, Mal darling I personally don't consider myself an African American I wouldn't think it was an insult. It's more of a politically correct term than the "N" word. If you know what I mean.
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    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

  2. #27
    I'm not fat...just fluffy mizerable_d's Avatar
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    You scored 50!
    There are many things that you see as a race issue, and you have a few grudges against another race or two. But you are no raging racist, either.

    i am happy

  3. #28
    Where I'm Supposed to Be kirei_na_me's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mal
    Is an arab egyptian an african-american? I mean, Egypt is right there on the continent
    An Egyptian friend of mine recently got his U.S. citizenship, and I brought up that very thought.

    By the way, his wife(who is American) didn't get it, because she didn't know that Egypt was on the continent of Africa...
    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirei_na_me
    No way.

    I got the exact same thing. I kid you not.

    Freaky deaky...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mal
    I'm willing to bet the points I got are because I answered the genetics and sports questions truthfully. What can I say, I believe in science. I mean, its all a toss anyway. If you play the genetic lottery you may or may not get lucky. There's no harm in admitting that some people have their dice loaded in certain ways. Oh well ><
    Those were the questions that I had a problem with. I'm sure that's where they got me too.

  5. #30
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacan
    thanks! but which are the colored people? the white guys whose color change with their mood?
    Yeah, I guess. Very white people blush easily and get easily sunburned or suntanned. Easy to get some colours.

    When I was reading the ethnic composition of South Africa on Wikipedia, they mentioned that there were Black, White and Coloured people. This is even more confusing. Of course they meant those of Indian origin. However, I thought that "coloured" was a politically correct term that originated in the US and mostly meant Black.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  6. #31
    Techno Nudger Rich303's Avatar
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    Racism is always a tricky issue.
    I've always considered myself very open-minded regarding this subject.
    I often had arguments with my family when I was younger - occasionally relating to my choice of girlfriends.
    However, I've recently had my beliefs thrown into question.
    As a maker of electronic music, I was sent an invitation to enter my music into a competition - but closer inspection revealed the competion was not open to white people (like myself) - only African, Chinese, South American etc.
    To me this is an afront to what music is about,especially electronic stuff which is universal,and often faceless.
    Techno happened because of black and white (and gay & straight) musical ideas coming together. Black producers got into Kraftwerk etc...and since then there has been a continual multi-cultural exchange.
    There are UK-based Drum + Bass musicians that are Chinese (Nookie)and Japanese(Seiji) not to mention those all those all over the world. e.g Brazil has a massive Drum & Bass scene
    I don't understand why the organisers of this competition feel minorities are under-represented enough to exclude white people from it,in their own country.

    Listen to me, now I am saying things like "..in my own country..." this treatment has caused me to become defensive and feel excluded...it is fuelling the fires of racism.
    Multi-culturalism INCLUDES white people. Sorry to rant but this issue has made me rather angry!...Acid love and Techno respect to everyone, Rich x...Jah Bless!

  7. #32
    Regular Member
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    i think some of the questions are not really asking for your racism but for social-racism: Statistically caucasians are better in school than for example afro americans but thats not because of "racial"inferiority but of the place society gave them: it's statistically more hard to get a good education if you are afro american O.o

    i would have guessed that i end up with maybe 30 % but it turned out to be 64 % and i dont have an idea how that can be O.o maybe i misunderstood the answers

    im kind of shocked!

    edit: i dont get it i must misinterpret some answers or they must be counted strangely O.o i've been known to be against racism (since im half german half polish) and i don't think i am

    well whatever it's just a test

  8. #33
    Regular Member Reiku's Avatar
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    The tricky part about the sports question is that it makes a big difference whether you are just considering the US population (which this test is obviously aimed at) or the entire world. Blacks in the US who are descended from slaves have a genetic predisposition to great physical strength, size, and endurance because the slaves were bred for those qualities, as well as a handicap in the intellect area because slaves who were smarter than their owners tended to get killed for it. Blacks from other areas of the world do not share those artificial pressures and are more a result of their natural environment than the jacka$$es populating it.

    In any event, I got a 10 and 3% racist points...

    ...sounds about right, seeing as I believe all of humanity deserves to burn equally.
    Baka ningen.

  9. #34
    ~Redemption~ Jent's Avatar
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    You scored 23!

    You are generally NOT race-minded, there may be a thing or two that you see as a race issue, but mostly, you are a very tolerant person!

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 16% on racistpoints

  10. #35
    Regular Member Pararousia's Avatar
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    I think the rap music/country music got me. I hate both types of music equally *L* But I still scored 31.

    Maciamo, "Colored" used to mean "black" in the U.S. but in Africa it means a mixed-race person. And I've always thought a red head with green eyes was more colored than the rest of us! *L*

  11. #36
    nature's sweet success Alma's Avatar
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    You scored 10!
    Congratulations, you are a very tolerant and muticultered person! No one could ever accuse you of being a racist!

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 0% on racistpoints''

    this is what i got

  12. #37
    Resident Latina silver angel's Avatar
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    Past the second star to the left and straight on 'til morning
    Well it said:

    You scored 18!
    Congratulations, you are a very tolerant and muticultered person! No one could ever accuse you of being a racist!

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 7% on racistpoints
    if strawberries were people....
    I'd still eat them.

  13. #38
    Regular Member Tim33's Avatar
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    You scored 65!

    Wow and im seeing a girl of another race.
    Hope she dont see this

  14. #39
    Regular Member
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    You scored 28!
    You are generally NOT race-minded, there may be a thing or two that you see as a race issue, but mostly, you are a very tolerant person!

    Heh, well... I do agree that a black person is less likely to get skin cancer than I am since I get a sunburn in 15 minutes I think some of the questions are better explained by cultural differences than racial ones. But that wasn't the point, was it
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  15. #40
    –é˜IŽ€‹ê! TwistedMac's Avatar
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    I am NOT a racialist!...

    (that's John Cleese as Hilter, if anyone is wondering, and that quote from that exact shot was the first thing I thought of when I read the thread title)

    I find affence at your post as I ware eyeglass and have lmited site.
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  16. #41
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reiku
    Blacks in the US who are descended from slaves have a genetic predisposition to great physical strength, size, and endurance because the slaves were bred for those qualities, as well as a handicap in the intellect area because slaves who were smarter than their owners tended to get killed for it. Blacks from other areas of the world do not share those artificial pressures.
    I'm not just trying to be politically correct, but...
    To be smarter than a superior is often a problem in other groups such as mine.
    And yes, mine tried, and almost killed me.
    But some superiors are not necessarily smart themselves, only see the smarts in other people and use them.
    Some people under undue pressure (discrimination, hatred, jealousy) have a tendency to develop an unusual skill of camouflaging their true feelings and intelligence. There are many ways for an intelligent employee to outsmart his employer and outlive him, too. So although you have a point, I'm not sure that selection disfavored the intellgent one over hot blooded ones. I do see why some people would think that way; and I wouldn't be surprised there aren't any studies proving it.

    Feeding US citizens with 3,000 Cal/day to raise tall, strong sodiers for combat with the Soviets was US's nutritional policy at one point, too, whites weren't especially disadvantaged physically / genetically in comparison.
    ...sounds about right, seeing as I believe all of humanity deserves to burn equally.
    I wonder how you arrived at your pessimistic conclusion.
    Couldn't we equally say, they all deserve a second chance ?

  17. #42
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    When I was reading the ethnic composition of South Africa on Wikipedia, they mentioned that there were Black, White and Coloured people. This is even more confusing. Of course they meant those of Indian origin.
    I think in addition to Indians, there are blacks who get separated from their tradition clan/tribal communities and living in the cities are also classified as colored. They have no particular racial ties, speaking English as mother tongue, and culturally Westerners. Now the colored blacks are reverse discriminated by the genuine Blacks as Whites, or even more so. In their case appearance is only deceptive to a non South Afrikaner.

  18. #43
    Batteries not Included Ichiro's Avatar
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    Congratulations, you are a very tolerant and muticultered person! No one could ever accuse you of being a racist!

    I got like 2% I think..

  19. #44
    The Geezer Sensuikan San's Avatar
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    I actually managed a ...1% racist ...(really!) but they still said that I looked at one or two things in a racial sense !

    .... Of course had the test been biased Anglo/Scots/Irish/Welsh ..... I could have scored differently !

    Then a few crosses might have been burning on a few lawns !

    Why have an electric toothbrush ... if you don't have electric teeth?

  20. #45
    Comfortably Ignorant Faustianideals's Avatar
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    Congratulations, you are a very tolerant and muticultered person! No one could ever accuse you of being a racist!
    Interesting to say the very least.

  21. #46
    yopparatta hito
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    May 23, 2005
    it seems im the only one over 80%... hmm guess no one else likes to answer truthfully or this forum is just filled with incredibly nice people.
    well i scored a 68, but i am 83% racist as compared to people the same age and sex or somethin like that

  22. #47
    Chukchi Salmon lexico's Avatar
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    Don't worry andorin: the test was written by an individual who has 'some' interest in racial matters, but anyone could have written a test of similar content with a totally different evaluation (grading) of responses.

    To be exact, this test is heavily flawed and shallow; take it as a test intended for humor only. But there is more fun if we 'pretend' to take it seriously, in which case, we're just playing along.

    One attempt to reclassify 'racism' on a more abstract idea of Ethnicity Awareness Scale. Unfortunately it doesn't come with a test. Would you like to write an improved test given your negative experience with this one ?

  23. #48
    Comfortably Ignorant Faustianideals's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andorin
    it seems im the only one over 80%... hmm guess no one else likes to answer truthfully or this forum is just filled with incredibly nice people.
    well i scored a 68, but i am 83% racist as compared to people the same age and sex or somethin like that
    I really hold no prejudice against anyone. I find it incredibly stupid to do so. Sure, maybe we look different, but we have the same number of chromosomes.

  24. #49
    Pocky Addict blossom's Avatar
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    I got this:

    You scored 18!
    Congratulations, you are a very tolerant and muticultered person! No one could ever accuse you of being a racist!
    9% on racistpoints
    I GOTTA BELIEVE!!! - Parappa the Rapper ( I love that game )

  25. #50
    Regular Member Mimmy_08's Avatar
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    I got 72%

    There are many things that you see as a race issue, and you have a few grudges against another race or two. But you are no raging racist, either.

    "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." Mark Twain

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