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View Poll Results: How would you assess your social class (read explanations below)

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  • Upper-class

    0 0%
  • Upper-middle class

    13 35.14%
  • Middle class

    8 21.62%
  • Working class

    5 13.51%
  • No idea !

    1 2.70%
  • Don't care

    10 27.03%
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Thread: Do you care about social classes ?

  1. #51
    Johansson Revenant's Avatar
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    Okayama, Japan

    In response to Maciamo's last post

    Hmmm....we are quite alike in a lot of respects.

    I don't travel anywhere besides going back to Canada (expensive in itself). But I love debating, and even getting owned, to further my own knowledge (a debate of free will vs determinsim comes to mind, wherein I was argueing for free will using a common argument for determinism. Go me!).

    Anyhow, the only other place that I differ is that I dress very casually, even for my job at Berlitz.

    Interestingly, as goods became cheaper, and therefore easier for the average person to buy, people bought bigger houses to store all the goods, most of which they never used. Bigger houses equal bigger mortgage and more interest. I'll endeavor to keep my possesions to what I deem necessary for life.

    I also watch little TV, but I always have my music running on the computer. I do have very selective taste in music, so I very rarely buy a new album.

  2. #52
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    Goodlettsville, Tennessee
    Tokis-Phoenix thanks for sharing your story and for your honesty. Very interesting to say the least. Even though you came from a wealthy family you never got share in that wealth and that is sad. I didn't know parents could be so cruel to their children, but I guess there are those like that in all social strata. My parents were no angels either.

    I commend you for turning around your life and starting to persue worthwhile interests although, from your experiences, it's amazing you are still alive! It just goes to show that there is a purpose in life for everyone and maybe you have found yours the hard way. But then again, maybe you had to experience those hardships to be where you are at in life.

    I wish you all the luck in the world in your businesses and to your new-found relationship with your brother and maybe with your mother in the near future.

    Good luck and thanks for sharing again.
    Do What You Love And You'll Never Work Another Day In Your Life!

  3. #53
    Regular Member Tokis-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Sep 23, 2005
    England, Somerset
    Thankyou pachipro for your words of kindness .
    Now days i try to be as kind to others as i can as long as they are good people at heart, i know what it is like to be in need of help when no one is there to help you, i do not care what social class my friends are from or are as long as they are good people at heart- i believe there is often not enough good people in this world and if somone would like to be a better person or is a good person but is in need you should always support them, whatever their class or social standing or past history may be.
    As for my mother, she has done alot of bad things to me in my life time but i accept most of it was probably down to her manic depression and attention seeking. She isn't all there in the head even so, she did alot of things in the past which don't even now have much logical reasoning to their actions, like once when i was about 11yrs old a birth mark on my thigh started going bad- i was very worried because it started to bleed and go itchy and didn't heal, my mum did not listen to me for months while i tried to tell her and when i finally got the chance to go to the doctors they said it had gone cancerous.
    The day before the operation to remove the cancer my mum was specifically told by the nurses to not feed my anything with sugar or salt in it, preferably nothing at all.
    I did not know this being so young, my mum went and fed me 4 mugs of hot chocolate and 3 peices of toast with chocolate spread(although i was quite miffed as to why she was being so nice)- when she told the doctors this they were very angry, saying the anasphetic(sp?) might not work or somthing. Because my mum ignored me for so many months while i had the cancerous birth mark, i am now at a much large risk of getting cancer, and i now have to see the docter soon about a tumor growing on my chest, which is hopefully dormant "fingers crossed", although i will probably get it removed anyways.
    But yeah, somtimes i am realy suprised i survived my childhood .

  4. #54
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    Goodlettsville, Tennessee
    Quote Originally Posted by Tokis-Phoenix
    Now days i try to be as kind to others as i can as long as they are good people at heart, i know what it is like to be in need of help when no one is there to help you, i do not care what social class my friends are from or are as long as they are good people at heart- i believe there is often not enough good people in this world and if somone would like to be a better person or is a good person but is in need you should always support them, whatever their class or social standing or past history may be.
    I wholeheartedly feel the same way and I practice it whenever I can. Even if people have wronged me, I somehow find it in myself to forgive them as I feel that this is one of the reasons we are born into this plane of existance regardless of our, or their, class or social standing. A few times I have regretted it, but more often than not, it turned out to be the right thing to do.

    The day before the operation to remove the cancer my mum was specifically told by the nurses to not feed my anything with sugar or salt in it, preferably nothing at all.
    I did not know this being so young, my mum went and fed me 4 mugs of hot chocolate and 3 peices of toast with chocolate spread(although i was quite miffed as to why she was being so nice)- when she told the doctors this they were very angry, saying the anasphetic(sp?) might not work or somthing.
    Wow! This would make me think that, heaven forbid, she wanted you to die or something! That is indeed scary. Maybe she needs some serious medical attention. I do hope she can overcome her illness if it is still afflicting her.

    Because my mum ignored me for so many months while i had the cancerous birth mark, i am now at a much large risk of getting cancer, and i now have to see the docter soon about a tumor growing on my chest, which is hopefully dormant "fingers crossed", although i will probably get it removed anyways.
    My fingers are crossed also and my thoughts are with you that it is just a benign tumor. Good luck to you.

  5. #55
    Regular Member Tokis-Phoenix's Avatar
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    England, Somerset
    I think most of what she did with the whole cancer thing was down to her attention seeking, she appears to be much better now days but i do not know her that well now days because i have only recently started speaking to her, she is a nice person when it comes to helping non-reletives out ironically, she is keeping herself busy right now giving charity money and stuff to the people of iraq suffering from the war.
    She trys to act very posh though, she is very old fashioned in that sense- she often refers to people of the lower class as "common people" and realy looks down on them and makes stupid assumptions about them and other classes of people which she realy has no realy basis to make them on. It does bother me from time to time about the way she behaves, it did little to make my situations throughout life any easier, but also, she may have to move closer to town as she gets older and she is definatly not very streetwise.
    Even though she has done bad things to me in the past i still worry that she might, i dunno, trip down the stairs and die and no one will find her for ages since the farm is very issolated. The local town has also grown realy yobbish recently and i get worried she might offend people with her posh ways and get into trouble.
    ps: hope i am not going too off topic here, i will stop if i am.

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