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View Poll Results: If a major quake hits Tokyo, will some Japanese murder foreigners in the confusion ?

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  • Probably, and aiming at other East Asians

    4 3.48%
  • Probably, and aiming at Westerners

    0 0%
  • Probably, and aiming at Muslims

    2 1.74%
  • Probably, and aiming at any foreigners

    3 2.61%
  • Who knows ?

    24 20.87%
  • Probably not

    27 23.48%
  • Surely not

    55 47.83%
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Thread: Will Japanese massacre foreigners if a major earthquake hits Tokyo again ?

  1. #26
    Regular Member
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    Leroy Brown - there are racists in every country. America, Japan, France, even in countries like Tahiti and Samoa. They're everywhere. You can't stop racism. Its part of humanity. There are however degrees of it.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 18, 2005
    So where do you come from? Italy?

    They haven't colonized any African nation ?

  3. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiroshi66
    Leroy Brown - there are racists in every country. America, Japan, France, even in countries like Tahiti and Samoa. They're everywhere. You can't stop racism. Its part of humanity. There are however degrees of it.
    So, you saying Japan ranks among the highest in the degree of racism?

  4. #29
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    Leroy Brown - Italy? African nations? What the heck are you taking about.

    No, didn't say that. I was saying that there is racism in every country. Don't jump to conclusions. You can't in history.

  5. #30
    wishing for a girlfriend Xkavar's Avatar
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    I will say this:

    If I'm in Japan, and a crowd of people start chanting my name and bearing weapons at me... well...

    The police will be arresting me for performing a few variants of Rurouni Kenshi.

    Mobs bother me.

  6. #31
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    LOL.. maybe. But the riot police in Japan have not been deployed too many times but when they have been they have been pretty brutal.

  7. #32
    JSPS Ikyoto's Avatar
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    I've read more threads on this forum that paint the Japanese people as thinly disguised animals that are far more prone to mindless acts of violence than others than threads that speak of anything positive.

    I will not be returing to this site. The racism that people try to point out seems to be spreading rapidly to some who use the site. I am confrounted by bigotry every day of my life and to see so many people so willing to cultivate and feed suspicion and plant seeds of hate so willingly...

    After reading this I really hope that the world ends. I'm truely disheartened and am afraid that my children will never see a day when people will stop grouping people into catigories and see each other as PEOPLE. I'd rather not go to Japan now... Not because of the Japanese, but because of the bigots there, here and every where else.

    Let's all just fence ourselves in and fear all the people who are different. Kill all those unlike ourselves! That's the best way to solve everything, isn't it? I mean, with all the focus on the hoorrors the Japanese have done, there isn't anything worthwhile there, is there? Every Japanese person is a killer just waiting to get out, right?

    I wish some here well, but honestly, I doubt anyone here will even care if I post or read the site.
    Breathe. Unclench. Think.

  8. #33
    Villain Iron Chef's Avatar
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    I hear ya man... but trust me, sometimes you just gotta step back and like water off a duck's back, just let it slide... I used to be a cop because I wanted to do the right thing, I wanted to help save lives, fight the good fight, etc. ad nauseum. Then you wake up one day and realize your a soldier in a pitched battle in a constant war that never ends. For every deviant or miscreant that gets locked up or put down, two more are standing in line to take his or her place. Gets pretty disheartening after a while which is exactly why I quit that line of work in order to find something more fulfilling, something I actually enjoy doing and look forward to everyday.

    I guess the point is don't let the cynics get you down man. Sure, there will always be plenty of people with negative outlooks who like to post thinly-veiled attacks towards other members and their beliefs or opinions on a board this size but you just gotta roll and take confidence in your position. At any rate, not sure if any of this made any sense but I hope you'll reconsider your decision to leave us. I consider your opinions and insights valuable and have enjoyed reading your posts. I would be sorry to see a contributing member of substance leave but if that's your decision, I can respect that. Take care.

  9. #34
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikyoto
    I've read more threads on this forum that paint the Japanese people as thinly disguised animals that are far more prone to mindless acts of violence than others than threads that speak of anything positive.

    I will not be returing to this site. The racism that people try to point out seems to be spreading rapidly to some who use the site. I am confrounted by bigotry every day of my life and to see so many people so willing to cultivate and feed suspicion and plant seeds of hate so willingly...

    After reading this I really hope that the world ends. I'm truely disheartened and am afraid that my children will never see a day when people will stop grouping people into catigories and see each other as PEOPLE. I'd rather not go to Japan now... Not because of the Japanese, but because of the bigots there, here and every where else.

    Let's all just fence ourselves in and fear all the people who are different. Kill all those unlike ourselves! That's the best way to solve everything, isn't it? I mean, with all the focus on the hoorrors the Japanese have done, there isn't anything worthwhile there, is there? Every Japanese person is a killer just waiting to get out, right?

    I wish some here well, but honestly, I doubt anyone here will even care if I post or read the site.
    Sad to hear you feel this way Ikyoto and that you so easily let others opinions and possibly veiled racism get to you. Take Iron Chef's advice and chill out.

    Take it from me. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I've had a more than 30 year relationship with Japan with the first 16 actually living there like a Japanese and not once did I feel any major prejudice nor feel my life was ever threatened. Sure I've felt the minor discriminations like being turned down at a real estate agent or being turned away from a bar in my early years, but that was it. Overall it was a wonderful, rewarding experience and I will be retiring there in the near future.

    Show me one country that doesn't have their share of bigots. You will find them wherever you go. The same goes for some people grouping other people into catagories. It happens everwhere in every country especially in the good old USofA. Aren't you yourself doing the same by taking at face value what you have read here without finding out for yourself? Are you not grouping the Japanese as a whole by, in your own words, "Not because of the Japanese, but because of the bigots there, here, and everywhere else."?

    To deny yourself a visit to Japan or to learn more is to deny yourself an education. That seems kind of ironic especially since you claim to be a teacher. To base your entire opinion on the rantings of some on one website is, to me, the epitomy of ignorance. I prefer to live by the phrase "Some people make their backyard their whole world. Me, I prefer to make the whole world my backyard."

    I checked out your website forum and it does seem pretty interesting and philisophical and you cover a wide variety of topics I'd enjoy posting on so I am really confused by your ranting above. Do not base your opinion on this one forum as I wholly disagree with you. Chill out, stick around, plan a visit to Japan and then decide. Maybe the winter in Buffalo was pretty harsh this year and you have a bit of cabin fever, But I do care what you think, have perused your forum and read your post or I nor Iron Chef would have replied. We would've just let you go off into the sunset.
    Do What You Love And You'll Never Work Another Day In Your Life!

  10. #35
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    i would rather say, a bunch of hippies took the opportunity of vietnam:

    to booze and trip a good while. 1923 the earthquake, 1968 the "woodstock festival"

    america sees now, this lays thirty/fourty years in the past. i do not have the impression, they hate vietnam. all they feel occurs as compassion.

    there were no winners of that war.

    if you go backwards:

    kennedy (1962)
    2nd world war (1937)

    and, who remembers 1923? old man?

    what happens in case of another serious earthquake?

    i dont see japanese would actively add to the victims of that.

    and, foreign group would leave on own device, probably.

    or, like in case of the tsunami, help and donate to rebuild everything...

    really, how many westerners got slayed by the tsunami people?

    i wonder...this really happened (on television)- why superimpose/imagine another catastrophe so soon?

    sorry for this somehow necrophile contribution-

    just to say, some japanese are civilized.

    if i read this thread i say (wearing glasses) "this occurs uncanny to me"

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  11. #36
    Regular Member klepman_1971's Avatar
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    who can tell what happens, i vote for WHO KNOWS, because nobody will know what happens when tokyo will be hit by a massive earthquake.
    and also u cant compare tokyo 1923 with 2005..

    greets and respect from amsterdam

  12. #37
    Regular Member klepman_1971's Avatar
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    quote I am not proud of why America was founded...But there is something, I'm not sure what, that makes me proud of what America wants to be. quote

    this is the worst sentence i ever read in my life.
    i dont hate americans, but i am proud that i am not american hahaha,

    further on there are racist in every country on this planet.
    i dont think that japanese are more racist then for instance scotish or egyptian people

  13. #38
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    East Asians...

  14. #39
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by klepman_1971
    who can tell what happens, i vote for WHO KNOWS, because nobody will know what happens when tokyo will be hit by a massive earthquake.
    Why not ? Not everybody on this forum lives in Tokyo, and not everybody in the next eartquake will die (to give you an idea, less than 5% of the people died in 1923, and many modern houses are earthquake-proof).

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  15. #40
    tsuyaku o tsukete kudasai nurizeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    Why not ? Not everybody on this forum lives in Tokyo, and not everybody in the next eartquake will die (to give you an idea, less than 5% of the people died in 1923, and many modern houses are earthquake-proof).
    Hopefully me and my girlfriend will be visitting my scottish relatives when the earthquake occurs. :P

    Also scottish folk arent so racist, we keep having these stupid ads on TV thats line is "one scotland, many people" and its basically showing how all different races are scottish and what-not....its touching and i can appreciate it but its just another example of the british lvoe affair with going to insane lengths not to offend anyone.....except us common as much atheist young male whites, were basically the only ligitimate target left.

    Try and remember folk, this thread is about as much a joke, aswell as discussion on japans feelings towards foreigners.

  16. #41
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    I think this question is totally ridiculous.

  17. #42
    Join Date
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    Did you bother reading the rest of the post after the title?

  18. #43
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    I hate to say this but, Maciamo, you are an *******.
    Why do you manage this site?
    Judging by your work, obviously you hate Japan and Japanese.

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastmagi
    Did you bother reading the rest of the post after the title?

    I believe most of the posters said gNoh.

  20. #45
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    If panic and confusion are the driving force of the people yes ,if not no.
    Kommunism is like Carneval in Cologne everyone is drunk an no one works...

  21. #46
    a non member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogman
    I hate to say this but, Maciamo, you are an *******.
    Why do you manage this site?
    Judging by your work, obviously you hate Japan and Japanese.
    Wow... you probably know a lot about Japan, and you are probably a nice guy, but having only 9 posts, and not knowing Maciamo that good, I don't think you have any rights *respect rights* to say this.

  22. #47
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    the point is that the thread started after the terrible hanshin-awaji and niigata earthquakes.

    if maciamo were really a cruel devil's advocate as he sometimes describe himself, he must have posted more frustrated posts against japan or japanese in the french section here.

  23. #48
    Regular Member Reiku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    The 1 September 1923, the Great Kanto Eartquake hit Tokyo leaving about 100,000 people dead. In the weeks following the eartquake, many Japanese falsely accused the Koreans of poisoning wells or even to be responsible for the earthquake itself, which led to the massacre of 6,000 Koreans by the Japanese police and citizens throughout the Kanto region.
    My question is, do you think that such a thing could happen again in the events of a similar or worse disaster in Tokyo, given the racist attitude of some Japanese (it doesn't need to be more than a few % of the population) ?
    If it happens, will it be directed towards Koreans, Chinese and/or other Asians, towards Westerners, towards Muslims (given the new global anti-muslim trend) or all of them indistinctively ?
    You been reading "Dragon Head"?

    Oh wait, that wasn't an earthquake...

    Anyway, I voted who knows.
    Baka ningen.

  24. #49
    Booyah! Da Monstar's Avatar
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    Probably not.

    I really hope they have wisen up since that. It sounds so stupid blaiming other races/ countries for Earthquakes. Everyone knows that its the seahorses of atlantis that travels so fast that a friction happens and suddenly entire surfaces just goes woobly.

    If you're not already embarassed by your own sad ******* existence, then I assure you, nothing I can ever do or say is going to make you blush. -Randal Graves (the Clerk)

  25. #50
    人間と人形は同じ。 Kintaro's Avatar
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    It's a great thread idea, considering that this situation can apply to other places in the world with very minor variance. Accusing Maciamo of racism is totally inappropriate, look at New York on 2001.9.11 : they were attacking people coming from "regions of the world east of Greece and west of China".

    If something happened in Toronto or Vancouver for example, the only difference is that there is no Toronto-ron, and the multiple ethnicities would fight amongst each other.

    Every country is vulnerable to subconscious racist ideas and panic, the latter igniting the former in case of disaster. And while Japan does have its own us. vs. them mentality, they are far more likely to understand reason in a normal situation than a totalitarian or theocratic country. But when panic is in the mix, all bets are off, for all people of all places.
    The difference between men and puppets is only by who controls the string.

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