From "Lonely Planet Online"
Japan Aims to Woo Visitors
Desperate after 12 years of economic stagnation, Japan is aiming to woo international visitors to help get its growth rate back in the black. World Tourism Organisation figures show that Japan had a staggering tourism deficit of US$28 billion last year - 16.2 million Japanese made overseas trips, while only 4.8 million foreigners visited Japan. While the 'Land of the Rising Sun' has often shunned the idea of endeavouring to attract visitors, its positive experience in co-hosting this year's soccer World Cup has it eyeing up further moves to promote itself as a tourist destination. Despite widespread warnings of foreign hooligans going on potential rampages, mainly well-behaved foreign tourists turned up for the World Cup finals and authorities noted the positive benefits to local economies. There are now calls to improve infrastructure, and the government has upped the budget for promoting Japan overseas by 10 times last year's amount. Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara has instituted a scheme for street performers - including magicians, singers and other performing artists - in a bid to create a vibrant city attractive to visitors. The capital also has a new 'bed tax' to raise cash for overseas tourist promotion. Other centers are also seeing foreign tourists as a solution to their woes and are making efforts to become more visitor-friendly.