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View Full Version : Eclips Shanghai July, what weather to expect?

Jan 11, 2009, 11:15
Hello all,
On 22nd of July there will be a solar eclips over Shanghai area, early in the morning.
In summer it is rainy season, with 60% chance of clouds/rain, but can somebody tell us, what the weather chances are really like? For example, is there a chance of clouds/rain at any time of day, or is it dry/sunny some hours and cloudy/raining certain hours, like in some tropical areas?
It would be really helpfull for many eclips tourists around the world to make up their mind to come to Shanghai area or not for the eclips.
Also, the central line runs across Jiaxing and the coast near Zhapu, which would have a better chance of clear sky?
So thanks very much for any information that is helpfull about this.

@ moderators: is it possible to make a special topic about the Shanghai eclips, so that all messages can be posted there, and interested travellers can meet there? Thanks also for that,

Stardust, from Netherlands

Uncle Frank
Jan 11, 2009, 11:25
@ moderators: is it possible to make a special topic about the Shanghai eclips, so that all messages can be posted there, and interested travellers can meet there? Thanks also for that,
Stardust, from Netherlands

The way the forum is set up, everyone will see the title of this post OK. I do not think we have many Chinese members who post in English here, but you might get some replys. Maybe one of our Chinese members can direct you to a website (in English or Dutch), that will have weather info or info about the eclispe? Good luck, sounds like a fun trip.

Uncle Frank


Jan 11, 2009, 11:49
Thanks, I'm hoping someone who lives there, or spends time there in July before can give their experience, as general weather reports are just that: an averidge over the years, that's the 60% chance of cloud cover.
We'll see, who knows something more.
Thanks also for the brilliant avatar, Uncle Frank, I replied in the other topic, too, but it disappeared.
We need to book months in advance, that's why I try to find out about the weather chances now. As it would be a great pity to be clouded out.
In Novosibirsk (Siberia) last year we were very lucky. More chance of clear views, and all the clouds disappeared an hour before eclips.

Uncle Frank
Jan 11, 2009, 12:08
I remember my first at about age 7. I used two faded picture negatives on top of each other to look at it. It was not enough density and I had a terrible headache and eye irritation from being so dumb. Hope all goes well for your trip and that you get some replys.

Uncle Frank


Jan 18, 2009, 00:17
I've got some info at eclipsers.ca about the weather along the eclips track, and as it really seems rather a small chance of clear sky, and also hot and sticky weather, not so nice to go siteseeing the rest of Shanghai area / China, so I've decided to give it a miss, this time. Pity, but thanks anyway everyone for reacting. And hope for all who live in the path, that you'll see a great eclips anyway.