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View Full Version : The myth of tortoises...

Nicholas Tse
Aug 31, 2006, 16:15
The story starts like this
-> —LˆêˆÊD靚“Iå—﹐她“ž™|‹ŽŠß﹗’A¥她•sK“I‹‹‹Êc‘å’錩� �﹗
‹Êc‘å’é—v›W她˜ô˜V”k﹐’A她•s—vB˜°¥‹Êc‘å’éœk¶Ÿ†﹐ –â她—v‰Å‹‹‹Êc‘å’éŠÒ¥—v˜ôˆêç”N“I‰Gê﹗ 她Œˆ’è—v˜ôˆêç”N“I‰Gê﹗ ˆêç”N”VŒã﹐ ‹Êc‘å’é‰Â—÷她•Öâi她ˆ×gŒº•h﹗
Anyone who knows chinese well can translate this story! I'm so sorry that I'm too lazy to translate! I'll only translate if requested!:-)
But...NEVER MIND! The tortoises is still cute!

Sep 6, 2006, 20:39

Nicholas Tse
Sep 6, 2006, 22:06


Nicholas Tse
Sep 26, 2006, 21:22
Are people here nit interested in tortoise or the story needs translation...:(

Oct 13, 2006, 01:14
Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful fairy. 玉皇大帝 (Yu Huang Dadi) proposed to her but she rejected him. So he asked her to choose whether to marry him or being turned into a turtle for 1000 years. She picked the later one. After 1000 years, 玉皇大帝 (Yu Huang Dadi)* felt bad about it and turned her into a 玄武 (Black Tortoise)**.

*玉皇大帝 (Yu Huang Dadi) is the ruler of Heaven according to Chinese mythology.
**玄武 (Black Tortoise) is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations.

Oct 13, 2006, 01:20
Just like Zeus, ‹Êc‘å’é (Yu Huang Dadi) is a perverted jerk. Seriously, who else will propose like that? :auch:

Nicholas Tse
Oct 13, 2006, 16:34
Thanks for thr translation!!! You must be a great turtle fan too...:cool:

Oct 28, 2006, 12:00
the story is very simple.

Oct 28, 2006, 13:28
:rose: i absolutly love turtles. i rememeber not ot long ago (like 3 months maybe haha) i begged and begged for a turtle. i got one allrigth. a stuffed orange and lavender turtle form the zoo.
but i love it none the less
i see alot of symbolism in turtles. they represent motherhood and the journey to fertility. well of course these are my own little made up stories, but convincing anyway. i believe it!!

Nicholas Tse
Oct 28, 2006, 23:23
:rose: i absolutly love turtles. i rememeber not ot long ago (like 3 months maybe haha) i begged and begged for a turtle. i got one allrigth. a stuffed orange and lavender turtle form the zoo.
but i love it none the less
i see alot of symbolism in turtles. they represent motherhood and the journey to fertility. well of course these are my own little made up stories, but convincing anyway. i believe it!!

What?! You think tortoises represents "motherhood"?:souka:
Reptiles are irresponsible parents! Including turtle, tortoise & terrapins....

Oct 29, 2006, 04:16
nu uhh how do you figure :souka: the fact that they make the journey to lay their eggs and work themselves half to death just trying to bury them.
irresponsible? how do you figure?

Nicholas Tse
Oct 31, 2006, 15:53
nu uhh how do you figure :souka: the fact that they make the journey to lay their eggs and work themselves half to death just trying to bury them.
irresponsible? how do you figure?

But they didn't even took care of their eggs, before or after hatch!

Nov 3, 2006, 09:08

Once upon a time,there was a very beautiful fairy. ‹Êc‘å’é (Yu Huang Dadi) proposed to her but she rejected him.He asked her to choose whether to marry him or being turned into a turtle for 1000 years,she picked the latter. 1000 years later,‹Êc‘å’é (Yu Huang Dadi)* felt guilty and bestowed her the name Œº• (Black Tortoise)**.

*‹Êc‘å’é (Yu Huang Dadi) is the ruler of Heaven according to Chinese mythology.

**Œº• (Black Tortoise) is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations.

I can't recall,I've read this Chinese folklore as a kid :(

Nov 5, 2006, 03:16
I've heard some conversations among family,tortoise meat is as good as modern day " viagara " for men :souka:

Nicholas Tse
Nov 11, 2006, 23:31
I've heard some conversations among family,tortoise meat is as good as modern day " viagara " for men :souka:

It's not true! We just can't kill such adorable pets! And all kinda "medicine" are mostly fake, someome just spread the LIES for own benefit!