- Enjo Kosai : the issue of teenage prostitution
- New Japanese banknotes get feminist
- promiscous youth and AIDS
- Acute case of linguistic 'disconnectivity'
- Two-thirds of working women quit jobs to have 1st child
- New law to ban kids from online dating sites
- Sexless couples and train molestations
- Japanese shy on kissing, but free when it comes to nudity and porn
- Japan's 101-year-old bar maid
- Gang rape "virile and normal"
- Foreign parents usually lose their children to Japanese ex-spouse
- Single, childless and happy !
- Xmas & Love Hotels in Japan
- Aum's lingering legacy
- 40% of Japanese women don't expect spouses to help with childcare
- Japan's empire of cool
- Japan now has over 20.000 centenarians
- Japan urged by US to combat sex slavery
- Tokyo mulls ban on sex for kids
- Japan among world's highest for heart attack risk
- Japan's high life expectancy
- Why are Japanese women either in a hurry to get married or just don't
- Street manners
- 20% of Japanese University student with 13 to 15 year-old reading abilities
- Comparing Japan and the world => lifetsyle and confidence in social institutions
- Comparing Japan and the world => tolerance & prejudices
- Molestation on trains rise to all time high in Tokyo
- 70% of Japanese women say they don't need a partner to be happy
- Lefthanders in Japan
- Japan's leper colonies
- Body hair
- Human-trafficking at record 79 cases but number more likely in thousands
- Japan's bad half : the puerile, the irresponsible, the perverted, and the handicapped
- Asbestos plagues Japan as officials failed to ban the killer substance
- Asbestos revealed in many Japanese stations
- Asbestos used in at least 20% of Japanese homes
- Japan ranked 11th by U.N. for quality of life
- 1,195,000 die in Japan !
- Japan : fastfood paradise ?
- Are you bothered by girls making up in the metro ?
- Ainu recognised as indigenous people of Japan
- Miscellaneous news articles on Japanese society
- The issue of child pornography in Japan
- Paul Theroux's Tokyo