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View Full Version : Culture & Traditions

  1. When did the Japanese stop eating dogs ? (2 replies)
  2. When did Japanese women start wearing pink ? (0 replies)
  3. Japan as part of the East Asian Civilization (0 replies)
  4. Broken harmony ? (4 replies)
  5. Japanese fireworks (13 replies)
  6. Japanese-Indian surnames (7 replies)
  7. 10 adjectives that best describe your image of the Japanese national character (38 replies)
  8. Japan in blissful isolation from the rest of the world during the New Year (26 replies)
  9. Is there a link between Japan's obsession for the seasons and high urban population ? (26 replies)
  10. What Japanese family names do you find cool ? (148 replies)
  11. Unusual Japanese family names (27 replies)
  12. Life employment, female discrimination, traditions and unemployment (19 replies)
  13. Blood groups and societal history (5 replies)