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View Full Version : Japanese Language & Linguistics

  1. Do you speak Japanese ? (1 replies)
  2. けいようしas predicates (0 replies)
  3. Provocation not part of Japanese culture (1 replies)
  4. how to use -er words (0 replies)
  5. Kana's Origins (1 replies)
  6. Annoying Japanese encoding (0 replies)
  7. Was Katakana inspired by Roman characters ? (12 replies)
  8. Suffix -chan related to German -chen and Dutch -ke(n) ? (8 replies)
  9. Gaijin, but with what kanji ? (22 replies)
  10. Is there no translation for (logical) "argument" ? (17 replies)
  11. How to use Japanese suffixes (san, chan, sama...) (0 replies)
  12. List of personal pronouns in Japanese (11 replies)
  13. 日本人のよく間違う英語 - common mistakes made by Japanese in English (55 replies)
  14. Amusing mistakes while speaking Japanese (17 replies)
  15. Before asking your questions, read this (0 replies)
  16. Translating Japanese names to Western ones by using the meaning (15 replies)
  17. What's difficult in Japanese ? (154 replies)
  18. Bad pronuciation make Japanese confuse foreign terms (33 replies)
  19. Japanese words with numerous English translations (19 replies)
  20. Understand Japanese mentality through the language (12 replies)
  21. kite mite ? (5 replies)
  22. Rainy expressions (9 replies)
  23. Write English in Kanji ! (23 replies)
  24. Poor translation (28 replies)
  25. Japanese gov. to purify language (31 replies)
  26. Why are you learning Japanese ? (367 replies)
  27. Do you speak Japanese ? (327 replies)